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Construction Review.

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1 Construction Review

2 Construction Review Constructability Review Process
Need for ROW Identify maintenance issues and/or utility conflicts Improve construction process Cognitive on time and budget issues Utility Certification, Special Provisions, Utility Listing and Plans Post Letting Expectations Mis-location, Mis-relocation and Missed Coordination Risk Management

3 Construction Review Reviews performed several times during a project:
Involve construction personnel, maintenance personnel, project manager, designer and real estate, if necessary Walk the project, identify manholes, take down pole numbers, contact city EMS Consider how utilities will access the site to do the relocation Example for having a Constructability Review: Had a couple issues this construction year with utilities had approved work plans, but when the Utility construction came out the relocation was held up due to field conditions. Site was not adequate for access for pole placement. Utility had to change their plan and bore across that

4 Constructability Review
This is a bridge over a major river in one of Indiana’s larger cities. A bridge painting project: How will the utilities be protected during the sandblasting operation? Will we be requiring sandblasting and painting inside of the girders? Do we have a Unique Special Provision to handle additional shielding or extra time for utilities to protect conduits themselves? How are we protecting the river from sanding debris? At a minimum, the utility special provisions need to address items contractor needs to consider when painting around conduits

5 Constructability Review Process
Pole numbers are helpful in power companies identifying attachers Splice points on Telephone and CATV are different Poles are buried 10% + 2 ft of pole height

6 Constructability Review Process
Summary Well executed review included in process from beginning to letting Aids in developing: Improved total quality of construction documents Lower change order costs Less delay/claims Higher quality end product Potential Benefits to Utilities/INDOT Simpler, cost effective relocations Eliminate need to relocate Building trust and better relationships between parties Utility Coordinator Communicates with the team on all utility related topics

7 Special Provisions Utility Special Provision, 107-R-169.
The purpose of the utility special provision is to provide guidance to the contractor for any specific requirements regarding utilities. The utility special provision will be a self-sustaining document and will not refer to other documents such as work plans to provide guidance to the contractor. The utilities that have facilities in conflict with the project shall be listed before those utilities that do not have facilities in conflict with the project. The utility special provision will address every utility in the area of the project. And for each utility listed the utility coordinator must address the following items:

8 Special Provisions (2) The name of the utility, type of facility and that they are in the area of the project. The name of the person to contact at the utility for any questions regarding the utility work, their telephone number, and address. A statement the utility facilities are not in conflict with the project and do not need to be relocated or the utility facilities are in conflict with the project and they do need to be relocated. A statement declaring how long it will take for the utility to complete its work once all prerequisites are completed.

9 Special Provisions (3) Identify any prerequisites required by the utility to be fulfilled by INDOT prior to starting its work, such as ‘all right-of-way must be acquired.’ Identify any prerequisites required by the utility to be fulfilled by the Contractor prior to starting its relocation work, such as ‘staking of the right-of-way.’ Identify any requirements to be completed by other utilities prior to starting relocation work, such as ‘the lines of Wabash Communication must be removed before the power poles can be removed.’ Identify any other requirements necessary to be completed prior to the utility being able to start its work. 

10 Special Provisions (4) Does your Provision answer these questions?
Can the contractor determine what items need to be done prior to relocation of utilities? Can the contractor determine the sequence of activities and when the contractor can start work? Is the date the work plan was approved stated?

11 Special Provision Example:
Special Provisions (5) Special Provision Example:

12 Contract Documents Special Provisions (107-R-169)
NO “Will adjust before construction” NO “contractor to coordinate with utility” Has ROW been cleared and staked prior to letting to allow for relocation? Are all utilities accounted for? Items that contractor needs to complete prior to utility relocation stated? Does the 107-R-169 and work plan convey the same message? Special Provisions tell the contractor what they need to do to facilitate utility relocation

13 Work Plans—Things to Remember
Contract Documents Work Plans—Things to Remember Have utilities received “Approved Work Plan” letter? FTRelocPlanDuke forContractServices Even if “No Involvement” – Work Plan is needed Signed by Utility, Utility Coordinator and Project Manager/ERC Utility Certification Separate form from Special Provision FHWA requirement Utility Listing on 2nd page of plans Same utilities that are on Certification AND 107-R-169?

14 Post-Letting Utility Coordination
Shop Drawings Example: Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Walls and wing walls on structures Vendor Systems vary What is shown in the plans is typically less than what is submitted in Shop Drawings! Lengths and Elevations of Leveling Pads vary slightly from plans. Can affect Underground Utilities. Geotech Reports will approximate sizes of footings and state if footings are necessary Especially now when R/W is tight due to Environmental Permitting issues more utilities need to be deep to avoid construction activities Utility facilities due to size and material may be restricted by the ability to turn and follow R/W lines Easements are an option, but may add time to an already tight schedule, keep all parties informed

15 Post-Letting Utility Coordination
Geotech Reports may give an approximate elevation of the bottom of the footing.

16 Post-Letting Utility Coordination
Discuss during field checks/constructability reviews sizes and depths of footings. Address footing sizes at preconstruction conference, especially if utilities are under the structure. Half steel or conduits placed to protect the utility Have utilities pothole or potholing items and leave standpipes for verification purposes for construction Contractor submits shop drawings for approval before ordering the structures and wingwalls Precast wingwalls are chosen over pour in place due to the cure time for the concrete Have utilities leave PVC locations for elevation verification Potholing items in contract, Have unique special provisions to backup or define intentions to contractor

17 Post-Letting Utility Coordination
Advises Construction and PM of all utility activities Manages schedule Postponed Project notification Issue permit addendum for change in cost Issue permit addendum for change in work Issue letter work complete Issue letter request final bill

18 Projects that are moved out of letting will have a new schedule
Revise any relocation schedules after notifying the utilities and discussing how this change affects their relocation schedule. Engage utilities and construction to discuss issues to the schedule that may affect the revised time set. R/W CLEARING - EROSION CONTROL

19 Post-Letting Utility Coordination
Attend the Preconstruction Conference Invite Utilities to preconstruction conference Discuss any “Unique” provisions in contract UC to present Gantt chart and proposed utility work schedule Discuss ROW staking and clearing Contractor to issue 15 day “good faith notice” – UC to be copied Contractor is responsible for Erosion Control Reports once construction has started, They will install Silt fence at construction limits, discuss having this placed at R/W line to avoid conflict during relocation

20 Post-Letting Utility Coordination
Contractor to issue 3 day notice on clearing – UC to be copied PE/PS to approve clearing prior to notifying UC UC to issue NTP to utilities once all items on work plan have been completed such that the utility may start UC to monitor and coordinate the construction schedules of the utilities. UC to attend all progress meetings and be proactive on all utility and/or contractor requests

21 Post-Letting Utility Coordination
After Work Plan Approval and before letting: Touch base with ALL utilities about project schedule at least monthly If ROW is being cleared and staked prior to letting, keep utilities advised on the clearing schedule Notify utilities when clearing is done after verification and issue NTP to utilities

22 Original Utility Location in Error
We all depend on each other and each other’s actions and decisions, no matter how small Maintenance, Citizens, Developments Scoping Survey 811 Design Utilities, Coordinators, Construction, Real Estate Verification of existing facilities Depends on accuracy of installation and tracer wire In time….these issues will get less frequent Tracer wire can move during backfilling methods. Utilities are now keeping records of retired facilities Contractors may request utilities records on existing facilities

23 Acceptable Error in Relocation
Utilities Relocate for Project or found not where they thought they would be Utility places its facility in location not as stated in work plan Location not in conflict with project, UAP or other relocations Probably just leave in place Location in conflict with project Discuss with project team on pros/cons, INDOT cost vs. delays to contract Location in conflict with UAP Consider safety and degree of conflict If acceptable – request a policy exception If not acceptable – relocate

24 Acceptable Error in Relocation
Location in conflict with other utilities: Does it jeopardize schedule if reshuffle the other utilities? Is it possible to reshuffle other utility relocation? Do you now violate clearances?

25 Error in Coordination As a whole we are doing much better
IF the utility is where they are supposed to be per the work plan – INDOT has to reimburse cost to relocate if necessary Pros/cons on cost vs. contractor delays This is NOT true on LPA projects, main complaint from utility companies IF the utility is NOT where they are supposed to be per the work plan – Utility responsible for cost Always examine alternatives before having utility or contractor dig their heels in. Utilities sometimes relocate 2-3 times for a single location.

26 Risk Management Degree of Risk – Big or small
Storm sewer – right-of-way restrictions – trees – allowable encroachments – other utilities – crossings or longitudinal How should it be handled? Contractor oversight - Coordinator oversight – Construction oversight Oversight does NOT have to be entire project but at critical points of conflict Utility Coordinators assists in gathering the risks associated and possible timelines MPO’s are pushing for JULY lettings, this is a major environmental concern

27 References For More Information IC 8-23-2-6 FHWA 23 CFR 645, Subpart A
FHWA 23 CFR 645, Subpart A Commentary Appendix A – Legal Code INDOT Utility Coordination Website Indiana Design Manual: Chapter 104

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