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Fantasy characters are complex

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Presentation on theme: "Fantasy characters are complex"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fantasy characters are complex

2 Is anyone all good or all evil??
We would all like to think that we are ALL good inside, but the truth is we all have a smidgen of bad in us somewhere.

3 Teaching point Today I want to teach you that as the books we read become more complex, the characters also become more complicated, just like real people they are not just all evil or all good ---they are nuanced. This means that powerful readers delve deeply into their characters’ strengths, flaws and motivations across the whole arc of the story.

4 Let’s look at Harvey


6 Authors make up what they need
Mid workshop teaching point Authors make up what they need Authors can create what they want in their stories. Let’s look deeper at our characters. If there is a character that is beautiful, is that because it mirrors what the character is like on the outside? Or is it somehow clashing with what they are like on the outside? Everything from wings to fur to height to muscle mass can give readers more information to interpret

7 How to chart this…

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