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Walk-in C’s, Get textbooks please! Why do we not know how to read or understand the language of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa?

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Presentation on theme: "Walk-in C’s, Get textbooks please! Why do we not know how to read or understand the language of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk-in C’s, Get textbooks please! Why do we not know how to read or understand the language of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa?

2 answer Historians have found examples of pictograph writing carved in stone from Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, but there is no “key” to help understand what the symbols or pictures mean. We know they had developed a complex system of writing, but we don’t know what it says!

3 Why were the Aryans important in the development of Ancient India?
Walk-in A’s, please get textbooks for your table. Take out notebook, folder and pencil box. Copy the question and answer in sentences: Why were the Aryans important in the development of Ancient India?

4 answer The Aryans were nomadic bands that came over the Hindu Kush mountains to settle in the Indus Valley. They developed the language called Sanskrit, and started the Hindu religion, the oldest living religion in the world still today.

5 Brahmanism and hinduism

6 Building background The Harappan civilizations of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa declined around the end of BC times. Soon, a new group called the ARYANS came over the Hindu Kush mountains and settled in North India. They established a new culture and religion, first called BRAHMANISM, which became HINDUISM.

7 Sanskrit The Aryans spoke and wrote in a language called SANSKRIT. It is still used today in religious writing (like Latin). Many languages borrow words from Sanskrit, including English!

8 Example words Gau = cow Mathr = mother Navagatha = navigation Sarpa = serpent Manu = man Danta = dentist Dasha = deca (10) Mishra = mix

9 Learn about contributions of the aryans
Read pages Answer the questions on your small sheet of paper. Be ready to share your answers and ideas.

10 Video about the history of hinduism
Watch this movie about the origins of Hinduism, from the Indus-Saraswati River Valley region onward. Remember to be positive and open to differences in culture! As you watch, focus on: What beliefs did early Hindus have? What contributions in math, science and art did Hindus make? Are there parts of modern living now that began in early Hinduism?

11 Walk-in Take out notebook, folder, pencil box. D’s, please get the textbooks. Copy the question and answer in sentences: Explain why the caste system could be good for Indian society, and why it could be bad.

12 Answer The caste system grouped people according to their skills and education. This could help families within a group to share their customs and beliefs and to know their community. However, a person’s family was in that caste for generations. If you were of a lower caste, you could not rise higher, even with education and experience.

13 Major religion of India, even today.
hinduism Major religion of India, even today. Seems POLYTHEISTIC (different gods and goddesses “in charge” of different things people need), but is actually MONOTHEISTIC (there is one Supreme spirit).

14 Reincarnation and karma
Belief in KARMA (good deeds in this life will determine your next life) and REINCARNATION (being born again to keep improving and to evolve with God).

15 Vegetarian culture Hindus believe that all living things have a divine life force in them, and it would be wrong to kill another living thing. That is why many are vegetarians.

16 The caste system Indian society divided itself into 4 social classes, or castes, based partly on jobs people did. The Caste System made people treat each other better or worse, depending on what caste you were. People of the lowest caste were often treated badly.

17 The Caste System was abolished in 1947 when India got its independence from Britain. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of Modern India, taught that everyone was equal and should be treated with respect.

18 Draw a diagram of the caste system
Using the diagram on page 229, create a pyramid to show the levels of the caste system and who was in each caste.

19 Take out notebook, folder, pencil box. Copy this week’s agenda.
Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box. Copy this week’s agenda.

20 Hindu mathematicians came up with the idea of zero, place value and the decimal system! Astronomers correctly measured the length of a year. Medicine advances included doing advanced surgeries. Best makers of steel! Some samples have not rusted in over a thousand years!

21 Yoga Hindus developed a system of mind and body control through meditation, called yoga. It is an ancient set of breathing and movement exercises that bring inner peace and control.

22 A Mahatma called Gandhi
View this video, A Mahatma Called Gandhi, about the life of the remarkable leader who helped India get her independence from Great Britain!

23 Video about the history of hinduism
Watch this movie about the origins of Hinduism, from the Indus-Saraswati River Valley region onward. Remember to be positive and open to differences in culture! As you watch, focus on: What beliefs did early Hindus have? What contributions in math, science and art did Hindus make? Are there parts of modern living now that began in early Hinduism?

24 rangoli Rangoli is a beautiful art in which colored powders are used to make lovely designs on pavement! Color the rangoli design in colors of your choice, remembering to include: symmetry contrast of colors neatness and high quality!

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