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Core Capability Drivethrough

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Presentation on theme: "Core Capability Drivethrough"— Presentation transcript:

1 Core Capability Drivethrough

2 Core Capability Content
Member search Article Search Viewing, editing profiles Review the design of the interface Discussion board

3 Typical Scenarios Find members with similar interests for possible collaborations Narrowly-targeted information resource A place to communicate and share research and information

4 Time for some hands-on experience!

5 Priorities for IOC Pulling articles from PubMed: currently pulls a subset of the articles’ info. Some tricky fields to be dealt with. Need to automate the previous task once completed. Also need to set up all our computers (and Godaddy server) to use the Curl extension Imported users from the Excel file, with the exception of institution address. Use two lines for address? Or just one? In our beta version (not included in CCD hands-on), we are able to upload files to server. However we can only upload one file at a time, and we are working on having a single button upload for both CV, picture and update data. Advanced search: backend and frontend are progressing with their respective work. Will need to implement the bridge between them Currently working on encoding data sent to PHP to avoid problems with special characters (such as &, <, >, …) Guarantee that LOS conditions are met Collaboration map: when all the above are completed

6 Progress for IOC priorities
The priorities shown in the previous slide are already work in progress (some more than others), except for the map. The effort for those tasks is low, with the exception of advanced search and PubMed pulling. PubMed pulling is an important prerequisite of the LOS (search time).

7 Past estimation In our estimation, the project was doable with a 5 person team. According to our progress, it seems like our estimation was accurate overall. But some subtasks turned out to be easier than expected, and vice versa.

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