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U.S. History March 26th, 2018.

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1 U.S. History March 26th, 2018

2 Warm Up Get the new Warm Up sheet.
Learning Target: I will analyze events leading up to the Cold War. What was the United Nations? What and when was the “Cold War”?

3 US- Soviet Relations During WWII
Use the reading to answer the questions on the worksheet. You may divide the work up amongst your group if you’d like. Skip Question 1 on the “Extra Challenge” side, but complete Question 2.

4 The Cold War Introduction
Brief Notes - see board

5 The Cold War Intro An understanding of the period from is necessary for an understanding of US foreign policy, domestic politics, & international relations for the 4 decades that followed. Imagine yourself back in the spring of 1945 as you read the excerpts with your group. Discuss these questions and be ready to share: 1.What overall impression of U.S.-Soviet relations is conveyed? 2.What accounts for this attitude?

6 Cold War Intro Now read the excerpts for March Discuss these questions and be ready to share: 1.How has the tone of international relations changed? 2.Which passages most clearly illustrate this change? 3.What accounts for the shift in attitude?

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