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Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE.

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1 Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE.
PE Department Student Expectations: Before we begin learning, please ensure that you: Are standing behind your desk in silence; Have your learning diary and pencil case on your desk; Have a smart uniform. Please be seated in SILENCE. Copy and underline today’s date and title. Monday, 25 February 2019 LO:INTRINSIC- Psychosocial factors – motivation, aggression, arousal/anxiety levels

2 On the Bell PE and Sport Faculty Standards: Equipment out
Planners on desk PE and Sport Faculty On the Bell Motivation Aggression Anxiety Whiteboards: Motivation, aggression and anxiety are all psychological factors. On your whiteboards attempt to come up with a definition for each factor. Extension: Choose one of the three psychological factors above – how could that be linked to an injury in sport?

3 Big Picture PE and Sport Faculty
Last lesson we identified different individual variables that exist. These variables all influenced the risk of injury in different ways. Who can remember the 6 individual variables? Gender, age, flexibility, nutrition, sleep, previous/recurring injuries This lesson we will be looking at the different ways that psychological factors can influence the risk of injury; motivation, aggression, arousal/anxiety levels.

4 PE and Sport Faculty Monday, 25 February 2019 Title: Psychological factors – motivation, aggression, arousal/anxiety levels Lesson Outcomes: Identify and define the different psychological factors Describe how the different psychological factors can lead to an injury in sport Explain using sporting examples how the different psychological factors can lead to an injury in sport. Analyse past exam questions on this topic area and apply your knowledge and understanding

5 What does the term psychological mean?
PE and Sport Faculty 1 min What does the term psychological mean? Think – write your answer on your whiteboard Pair – share your answer with partner and improve Share – share answers in group discussion with class

6 Psychological PE and Sport Faculty
Something which affects or arises in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a person. Students to copy definitions into their books Extension: How could psychological factors lead to an injury in sport? Can you use a sporting example to come up with an answer to this question

7 PE and Sport Faculty Motivation EXTRINSIC INTRINSIC

8 Motivation PE and Sport Faculty
Motivation is an individuals desire to succeed. Rather than intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, it is when people are over or under motivated that injuries occur Create and complete the following two sentences in your exercise books: 1. When an individual is under motivated or has poor motivation this could lead to an injury because……… A sporting example of this is……….. 2. When an individual is over motivated this could lead to an injury because……… A sporting example of this is…………….. Example: Under motivation – Poor motivation = lack of commitment = could result in injuries in high level sports such as boxing i.e. when failing to hold guard up during a fight Over motivation = results in over arousal = over commitment e.g. diving in for a tackle during a 1-1 draw in a FA cup final could result in a injury

9 How can aggression cause an injury in sport?
PE and Sport Faculty Aggression Aggression is any form of behaviour directed toward the goal of harming of injuring another live being who is motivated to avoid such treatment How can aggression cause an injury in sport? Ways aggression can cause an injury: Being aggressive may cause other players to retaliate or become aggressive in return Can foul or hurt an opponent Too much aggression can result in the individual performing the incorrect technique resulting in an injury Can cause lack of control

10 Anxiety/Arousal PE and Sport Faculty
Arousal: A physical and mental (physiological and psychological) state of alertness/readiness, varying from deep sleep to intense excitement or alertness. How does this apply to increasing the risk of sports injuries? 1. Performers may be too stressed/nervous/worried to perform well 2. If they have high arousal levels = excited = could over commit in e.g. a tackle which could result in an injury. 3. May not be able to concentrate or focus = wrong decisions could be made Anxiety is a negative emotional state associated with feelings of nervousness, worry and apprehension associated with activation or arousal of the body. 4. Lack confidence = go into tackles too soft or pull out last minute = increases risk of injury occurring.

11 PE and Sport Faculty Explain how each of the following psychological factors can contribute to injury in sport (6 marks) Highlight key parts of the question. How many marks is it worth? How will we get full marks? ANSWER QUESTION – you can use the mark scheme to help you to create an answer to this question Extension: Check your answer against the mark scheme, have you added enough detail to achieve full marks?

12 PE and Sport Faculty Print

13 PE and Sport Faculty Feedback: __/6 WWW… EBI…
Mark your own answer: Feedback: __/6 WWW… EBI… NB: if they have achieved full marks, write 2 WWW’s!

14 PE and Sport Faculty Identify a psychological factor in sport and explain how it could lead to an injury in sport, using a sporting example.

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