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Introduction to the Human Body

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1 Introduction to the Human Body
Video 2 Review

2 effector control center
Describe the word or phrase without using the word/phrase shown. Once your partner gets all of them correct, stand up and say "I LOVE ANATOMY!" Homeostasis feedback loop receptor effector control center

3 3. homeostatic imbalance 4. negative feedback
Describe the word or phrase without using the word/phrase shown. Once your partner gets all of them correct, stand up and say "I LOVE ANATOMY!" 1. Positive feedback 2. stress 3. homeostatic imbalance negative feedback

4 Answer the following on your white board:
What is the term for maintaining physiological limits within the body? HOMEOSTASIS

5 Answer the following on your white board:
What is an example of intracellular fluid (ICF)? CYTOPLASM

6 Answer the following on your white board:
What is your “internal environment?” EXTRACELLULAR FLUID (ECF)

7 Answer the following on your white board:
What is one specific example of ECF? PLASMA, LYMPH, ETC.

8 Answer the following on your white board:
What are two of the things that your body constantly monitors to maintain homeostasis? IONS, WATER, TEMP, GASES, NUTRIENTS, VOLUME, ETC.

9 Answer the following on your white board:
What is the mechanism used for the body to control homeostasis? FEEDBACK LOOPS

10 Answer the following on your white board:
What occurs if your body has a homeostatic imbalance? DISEASE OR DEATH

11 Answer the following on your white board:
The temperature drops and causes you to shiver. The low temperature is an example of a __________. STIMULUS/STRESS

12 Answer the following on your white board:
Which two systems use feedback loops and regulate homeostasis? ENDOCRINE & NERVOUS

13 Answer the following on your white board:
Which organ system uses hormones? ENDOCRINE

14 Answer the following on your white board:
Which organ system would be used to respond to a stimulus quickly? NERVOUS

15 Answer the following on your white board:
Which type of feedback loop is used for special circumstances that don’t happen often? POSITIVE

16 Answer the following on your white board:
Which part of a feedback loop determines the level to which homeostasis should be maintained? CONTROL CENTER

17 Answer the following on your white board:
Which part of a feedback loop senses the environment and sends information to the control center about stimuli? RECEPTOR

18 Answer the following on your white board:
Which part of a feedback loop provides the response as indicated by the control center? EFFECTOR

19 Answer the following on your white board:
If a feedback loop causes a reverse in the effect of the stimulus, then it is ________ feedback. NEGATIVE

20 Answer the following on your white board:
In the ADH feedback loop, the kidney is the ________. EFFECTOR

21 Answer the following on your white board:
In the blood pressure feedback mechanism, stretch-sensitive nerve cells in the arterioles are the _______. RECEPTOR

22 Homeostasis of Blood Pressure
Negative feedback stimulus (stress) rise in BP Impulses (output) Impulses (input) control receptors effector center Sensitive nerve cells in arteries The brain Heart or arterioles restoration response Heart rate decreases Arterioles dilate

23 Answer the following on your white board:
If a feedback loop enhances the effect of the stimulus, then it is ________ feedback. POSITIVE

24 Answer the following on your white board:
What are two examples of positive feedback? BLOOD CLOTTING LABOR

25 Homeostasis of Labor Contractions
stimulus (stress) Positive feedback Uterus stretched Impulses (output) Impulses (input) control effector receptors center Oxytocin released (hormone) Stretch-sensitive nerve cells in the cervix of the uterus hypothalmus uterus response Contractions more forceful Cycle stops with birth of baby (no more stretching)

26 Answer the following on your white board:
Which type of disease effects the entire body (or several parts)? SYSTEMIC DISEASE

27 Answer the following on your white board:
What causes disease? HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCE

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