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The results are in! Now what?

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Presentation on theme: "The results are in! Now what?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The results are in! Now what?
Illustrations of results from Delamanid (superiority) and STREAM 1 (non-inferiority) Phase III Trials Carole Mitnick Meredith Brooks

2 Superiority Example: Time to conversion
95% CI Median days to culture conversion 95% CI Superior H0: time to conversion is not different between the experimental and control regimens 95% CI Control arm Experimental arm Not superior 95% CI

3 DLM phase III Results: primary analysis
Median days to culture conversion 95% CI Treatment arm (mITT) Days to conversion (95% CI) Control (n=101) 57 (56-64) Experimental (n=226) 51 (43-57) Crude difference 6 days P-value 0.056 95% CI H0: time to conversion is equal between the experimental and control regimens

4 Superiority vs. Non-inferiority: risk difference example
H0: difference in unfavorable outcomes between the experimental and control arms=0 HA: difference in unfavorable outcomes between the experimental and control arms<0 Difference in unfavorable outcomes between the experimental and control regimens 10 Non-inferior Inferior Not superior Inconclusive Superior Difference in unfavorable outcomes between the experimental and control regimens H0: difference in unfavorable outcomes between the experimental and control arms>=10 HA: difference in unfavorable outcomes between the experimental and control arms<10

5 STREAM Results Adjusted difference Δ = 10 2.1 (95% CI: -6.9, +11.2)
Treatment arm (mITT) % unfavorable outcome Experimental (n=210) 21.9% Control (n=108) 19.4% Crude difference 2.5% Adjusted difference Δ = 10 2.1 (95% CI: -6.9, +11.2) Conclusion: 95% CI includes Δ (10%), inconclusive for non-inferiority 95% confident that true difference between the control and experimental treatments is between -6.9% and +11.2% H0 (experimental regimen is >= 10% worse than the control), cannot be ruled out

6 Simplified example of possible algorithm integrating all new treatment modalities for RR/MDR-TB

7 Rapid molecular (or conventional) test positive for TB and RR/MDR
Known (or suspected) R to FQ and/or inject or HIV infected? Yes Conventional regimen + BDQ and/or DLM No Known R to PZA? >=50% PZA R among FQ-S in jurisdiction? PZA-R, XDR, pre-XDR among known contacts of patient? Known or suspected R to other drugs in shortened regimen? Shortened regimen, pending conventional DST Is R documented? Conventional regimen + 2 of 3: BDQ, LZD, DLM Continue shortened regimen

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