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Notes on Theme.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes on Theme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes on Theme

2 Theme is like the root of a tree.
If it has a lot of connections, if people can relate to it, then the story is good to more people.

3 How do you figure out the theme?

4 Finding the Theme: How does the main character change?
How is the conflict resolved? What parts of the story did I relate to? Is this Universal? (has it happened to me? Has it happened to someone I know? Do I know people who think this way?) THEME MUST BE A COMPLETE SENTENCE OR MORE! IT IS NEVER ONE WORD!

5 How does the main character change?
How is the conflict resolved? What parts of the story did I relate to? Is this Universal? (has it happened to me? Has it happened to someone I know? Do I know people who think this way?)

6 Theme is NEVER ONE WORD!

7 Theme Quiz Name three clues to help you find the theme in a story.
Is this an example of a theme? Silverfin is about eels. Explain your answer. Why is theme important? What are the two KEY things about theme? (They can’t be a theme without these) Fill in the blanks: Theme is never _____ _________.

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