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Short & Long-term Memory

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Presentation on theme: "Short & Long-term Memory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Short & Long-term Memory

2 Making Memory - Review Three things have to happen:
Get information into our brain through the process of encoding. Holding onto that information through the process of storage. Get the information back out through the process of retrieval.

3 Sensory Memory Making Memory - Review
The process that makes it happen: Sensory Memory Automatic Processing Maintenance Rehearsal Working Short-term Memory Encoding Long-term Memory Storage External Events Sensory Memory Sensory Input Sensory Input Encoding Retrieving Attention to important or novel information

4 Making Memory Sensory Memory
This is the point at which information enters the nervous system through the sensory systems. Iconic memory - visual sensory memory, lasting only a fraction of a second. Capacity: everything that can be seen at one time. Duration: information that has just entered iconic memory will be pushed out very quickly by new information

5 Making Memory Sensory Memory
This is the point at which information enters the nervous system through the sensory systems. Echoic memory - the brief memory of something a person has just heard. Capacity: limited to what can be heard at any one moment and is smaller than the capacity of iconic memory. Duration: lasts longer than iconic — about 2 to 4 seconds.

6 Working Short-term Memory
Making Memory The process that makes it happen: Working Short-term Memory Automatic Processing Maintenance Rehearsal Working Short-term Memory Encoding Long-term Memory Storage External Events Sensory Memory Sensory Input Sensory Input Encoding Retrieving Attention to important or novel information

7 Short-Term Memory Short-term memory (STM) - the memory system in which information is held for brief periods of time while being used. Working memory - an active system that processes the information in short-term memory – the more you work with information, the deeper it is processed.

8 Short-Term Memory Without rehearsal STM lasts about 12 – 30 seconds
Maintenance Rehearsal is the practice of working with the information to be remembered, like repeatedly verbalizing or thinking about it.

9 Short-Term Memory Capacity of STM is about 7 items (±2)
(5 to 9 bits of information) The list of magic sevens Seven wonders of world Seven seas Seven deadly sins Seven primary colors Seven musical scale notes Seven days of the week

10 Short-Term Memory Selective attention works in the short-term memory.
The ability to focus on only one stimulus from among all sensory input. Sometimes called cocktail effect

11 Long-term Memory Making Memory The process that makes it happen:
Automatic Processing Maintenance Rehearsal Working Short-term Memory Encoding Long-term Memory Storage External Events Sensory Memory Sensory Input Sensory Input Encoding Retrieving Attention to important or novel information

12 Long-Term Memory There are two types of LTM:
Procedural memory – stuff people can do Ride a bike, tie shoes, habits & conditioned reflexes Declarative memory – stuff people can know Facts, knowledge, personal information

13 Events experienced by a person
Long-Term Memory There are two types of Declarative Memory Long-term Memory Declarative Memory Things you know Procedural Memory Things you do Episodic Memory Events experienced by a person Semantic Memory Facts, General knowledge

14 National Memory Champion
Memory Building Joshua Foer 2006 U.S.A. National Memory Champion

15 Memory Strategies

16 Memory Strategies Acronym Acrostic Linking Rhythmic Organization
Mnemonics - a strategy or trick for aiding memory. Acronym Acrostic Linking Rhythmic Organization

17 Memory Strategies Chunking – organizing items into familiar, manageable units (often automatic). Can you remember this?  M D P H D R S V P C E O I H O P How about like this? MD PHD RSVP CEO IHOP

18 Memory Strategies Hierarchies – organizing information in chunks that are also subdivided

19 Memory Strategies Spacing Effect – spread your study out over time rather than cramming will yield better results. Deep vs Shallow processing Baker / baker phenomenon

20 Memory Strategies Check out this video from David Meyers about the Testing Effect.

21 You are to devise a memory strategy to help you remember what the vocabulary words on pages 296 – 299 mean. First, read those pages so you have an idea what they mean. Next, actually write down, in specific terms, how you are going to remember each one. If your strategy is to create a mnemonic, then create that; if it is to create a graphic organizer (like the Frayer graphics), then make that; flash cards? make them; a memory palace story like Joshua Foer talked about in yesterday’s video, then make that and write it down. I don’t really care what strategy you use, but you must have something to show me. There will be a quiz on those words next Tuesday, and it will not be a recognition quiz. One last thing, the second vocab phrase is “encoding specificity.” I prefer you use the phrase “context dependent memory” since that kind of remembering is dependent on the context.

22 Homework Psy-1: Prepare for a short quiz tomorrow
(10 questions) by completing the study guide. Pages AP Psy: Complete the story/vocabulary exercise & study for the Module 31 quiz tomorrow.

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