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How to Maximize Learfield Cup Points

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Presentation on theme: "How to Maximize Learfield Cup Points"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Maximize Learfield Cup Points
Loras College Cruisin Cruz Fedler • Jacob Peterson • Michael Perhats Jordan Stiefel • Maura Walsh • Cole Zillner

2 Overview Learfield Point System Variables Methodology Results
Future Studies Cruisin

3 Purpose Cruisin

4 Purpose Wanted to see where Loras and other IIAC schools compared relative to the rest of the nation Cruisin

5 Learfield Point System

6 What are Learfield Points?
“The crowning achievement in college athletics.” What A program honoring institutions that are achieving success throughout their athletic program How Each institution is awarded points in a pre-determined number of sports for men and women based on end of season standings Sports Included Division- I — 20, ten men’s and ten women’s Division-II — 14, seven men’s and seven women’s Division-III — 18, nine men’s and nine women’s NAIA – 12, six men’s and six women’s Cruisin

7 Importance Learfield Cup points show how successful an institution's athletic program is Maximizing points will generate more awareness, promote a school’s culture, and attract more perspective student athletes. Cruisin

8 Methodology Mo

9 Methodology Examined D-III Schools with at least 50 points average over last 5 years (135) Obtained data from Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, Learfield Sports, and school athletic websites Programmed via R Studio to find correlations and visualizations Mo

10 Mo

11 Variables Mo

12 Variables Average Learfield points per year Recruiting expenses
Operating expenses Enrollment Athletic participation (men and women) Average Head Coach salary (men and women) Total revenue generated Mo

13 Student Enrollment Total Recruiting Expenses Mo

14 Mo

15 Mo

16 Results J

17 Past Success as Indicator of Future Success

18 Student Enrollment as Indicator of Points

19 Women Participation as Indicator of Points

20 Men Participation as Indicator of Points

21 Division One Operating Expenses as Indicator of Points

22 Women’s Operating Expenses as Indicator of Points

23 Men’s Operating Expenses as Indicator of Points

24 Men’s Head Coach Salary as Indicator of Points

25 Swaggy Z

26 Total Recruiting Expenses
Student Enrollment Total Recruiting Expenses Swaggy Z

27 Limitations Missing data points Intangibles (yet) Swaggy Z

28 Future Studies Swaggy Z

29 What Can Be Found With More Time
Admissions Culture of campuses Four year athletes JV programs Other variables that make students attend schools Division-I testing Z

30 Conclusion Learfield Point System Variables Methodology Results
Future Studies Cruisin

31 Thank You! Crusin Questions?

32 References
Every school’s athletic site was used to help collect data Rstudio version 3.3.1

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