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Comenius Regio partnership project

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1 Comenius Regio partnership project
Toroslar District Directorate of Education Comenius Regio partnership project “Education And Career Guidance – Let’s Help The Students Choose A Right Career!” 9th – 12th November 2015 Rotenburg/ TÜRKİYE

2 Toroslar District Directorate of Education
Project overvIew “Education and Career Guidance – Let's help students choose the right career!” Aim: The improvement of education and career guidance services for students (students' ECG) in schools, in order to facilitate students' transition to higher levels of education or labour market. MAIN ACTIVITIES: 1- Identifying the importance, relevance and quality of counselling and career guidance services for students in schools, as well as the needs Results: Survey through questionnaires questionnaires for 400 students from Dolj and 400 students from Mersin . The students must select from 10 schools: primary, secondary and high schools .

3 Toroslar District Directorate of Education
. 2-Four focus groups / focused interviews and record them : - One with teachers and counselors -One with schools’ principals and representatives of universities -One with parents -One with local community representatives (public authorities, private sector, civil society) 3- Organizing the conference for promoting the project and dissemination of the results ;promoting project 's Facebook page among colleagues : /studentscareer 4- Job shadowing in the partner region 5- Developing a guide for students' education and career guidance and support materials based on survey results and the results of job shadowing ( a guide for students’ ECG -in three languages: English, Romanian, Turkish

4 Teachers` job shadowing activities in the partner regions
Toroslar District Directorate of Education Teachers` job shadowing activities in the partner regions Aim: Developing teachers skills for students’ ECG in Dolj County/ Romania and Mersin/Turkey DETAILS: - Comparing the education systems of the two partner regions, in terms of counselling and career guidance, - Content analysis of school programs and identifying opportunities offered by each discipline/ area for students’ career education; reports on shadowing period, Results: analysis sheets, observation sheets, proposals for activities Time frame: March 2014 - Creating the report on the job shadowing activity Results: Romania: 8 activity reports (for each curricular area + primary education), Turkey: IN APRIL , a common report (in three languages: English, Romanian, Turkish) Time frame: April 2014 *ANALYSIS SHEETS,OBSERVATION SHEETS,REPORTS

5 Counseling and Career Guidance in Turkey
Toroslar District Directorate of Education Counseling and Career Guidance in Turkey Educational Guidance and Support in Turkish educational system is provided by the Ministry of National Education at all levels of education including early childhood education, primary and secondary education The Basic Law on National Education, No.1739 Article 2: The overall objectives of Turkish National Education are to educate all individuals of the Turkish nation so as to develop their interests, talents and abilities and prepare them for life by providing them with the necessary knowledge, skills and behaviors and with the habit of working together and to enable them to have an occupation which will make them happy and contribute to the happiness of society; … Article 6: During their education individuals shall be oriented towards variousprograms or schools to the extent and in the direction of their interests, talents and abilities.The National Education System shall be organized so as to ensure such orientation in all respects. Services of guidance and objective methods of measurement and assessment shall be used in orientation and in measuring success.

6 Guidance Services in Education
Toroslar District Directorate of Education Guidance Services in Education Generally, all of the schools are appointed a teacher specialized on psychological and guidance by the Ministry. Working as a consultant and a monitor in the school, these teachers provide psychological consultancy for those who need certain affective support. Psychological consultancy and guidance teachers work as a therapist, guide and a carrier planner for the students of upper secondary education. Although career education and guidance is the responsibility of all school personnel, the career and guidance counsellors have specialist knowledge that plays a central role in career education and guidance.

7 Toroslar District Directorate of Education
Primary education programmes include guidance integration as an intermediary discipline. The duration of secondary education is 4 years with guidance from 9th to 12th grades. Apart from interview techniques used in individual guidance interviews in schools, some measuring and evaluation instruments are utilized. In spite of all efforts, career guidance is usually geared towards the transition to higher education.

8 Guidance Services in Education
Toroslar District Directorate of Education Guidance Services in Education Career Guidance Although there are no regulations available concerning the career choices or guidance of the early childhood education pupils, the teachers generally advise parents about the academic achievements or limited areas of their children so that parents can take conscious actions in career choices of their children in the future educational phases.

9 GuIdance ServIces In EducatIon
Toroslar District Directorate of Education GuIdance ServIces In EducatIon RAMs in cities undertake coordination responsibilities with respect to guidance services, including vocational guidance services. The Provincial Directorate for National Education Special Education and Guidance Services Branch, the Provincial Directorate for National Education, and MONE are the structures that ensure provision of these services.

10 Toroslar District Directorate of Education
At Provincial Level there are Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Councils which comprise the formation of employment and vocational education/training policies, the determination of employment activities and active employment programmes to attain and develop employment and to prevent unemployment.)

11 Selim Burak KUHU Thanks… . Toroslar District Directorate of Education
National Education Directorate of Mersin Province Research &Development Department Mersin-Türkiye

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