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CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR VOCATIONAL TEACHERS IN montenegro European TRAINING FOUNDATION Name Armen Cekic PlaceČ: Podgorica, Ministry of Education DATE: 13 Novemebr 2018

2 METHODOLOGY DOCUMENTARY RESEARCH Laws, regulations, strategies etc.
INTERVIEWS Key stakeholders involved in vet development SURVEYS Online questionnaire for teachers and for school principals responses from almost 100% of principals and 30% of VET teachers

3 Participation IN CPD Comparing it with 2015 data:
number of teachers participating in CPD up from 76% to 91% over last 12 months 57% of vocational teachers obtained at least 30 hours CPD in the last 12 months VET specialist trainings participation from 40% to 67% More use of active learning and new technologies in CPD Trainings offered by: external providers, donors, vet centre Most of cpd done outside of the school MostLY face to face seminars, some peer and on line learning (30%) Records not in the form that permits analysis.

Although 66% of teachers claim that students are well motivated, 34% of teachers claim that they do not enjoy teaching students Lack of teaching and learning resources Although 72% of teachers are preparing digital materials for the teaching and learning process, just 47% of students are using ICT in learning process. Almost 40% of teachers are not promoting team-work in teaching and learning process.

5 SCHOOL AND WORKPLACE 32% of vet teachers participated in cPD on business premises (Over 100 teachers obtainED an average of 22 hours CPD in a business environment) Less than 30% of vet teachers say that students have work placements for 10% or more of their study time About half of teachers and students have only limited interaction with employers, e.g. through visits and other interaction

6 SCHOOL AND governance Limited mandate of the school principals
Directors say they are overburdened and lack resources No Framework of competencies Low representation of social partners in the school management Limited ongoing cpd or mentoring for principals

teacher strategy on national level – impact still to be measured Initial teacher education for VET teachers Legal norms in place, teachers’ motivation driven by relicensing and higher ranks - harmonization? Attracting more providers and making system quality assured and informed by framework and needs

8 School-Based CPD Teachers do collaborate, but mainly to align their teaching plans Cpd coordinator ensure planning but not quality assurance and informing next cycle of trainings based on needs Schools lack means to implement their cpd plan No mentorship to existing teachers or principals

Knowledge gained but low level of integration – Low QA, provision not informed by the needs ′Standards of competences for teachers and principals in educational institutions′ - no evidence on how standards are affecting cpd provision

10 INCENTIVISATION Two major restrictions: lack of relevant training programmes and insufficient incentive (Re)licensing and Career Ladder system clearly defined Lack of consolidated register maintaining CPD data Formal qualification and digital learning contributes to career ladder but not to relicensing

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