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Jeopardy Skeletal $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Skeletal $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Skeletal $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200
Muscle Tissue Skeletal muscles Muscle characteristics Muscle anatomy Muscle fiber anatomy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 $200 Question from A1 What characteristic of muscle allows it to lengthen?

3 $200 Answer from A1 Extensibility

4 $400 Question from a2 What characteristic of muscle allows it to shorten and thicken?

5 $400 Answer from a2 Contractibility

6 $600 Question from a3 What characteristic of muscle after contracting or lengthening, allows the tissue to return to its resting state?

7 $600 Answer from a3 elasticity

8 $800 Question from a4 What characteristic of muscle tissue allows it to receive & respond to stimulation?

9 $800 Answer from a4 excitibility

10 $1000 Question from a5 1. Movement 2. Maintaining posture 3. ? 4. ?
The characteristics of muscle tissue enable it to perform some important functions: 1. Movement 2. Maintaining posture 3. ? 4. ?

11 $1000 Answer from a5 Maintaining body temperature Joint stability

12 $200 Question from b1 What type of muscle tissue makes up myocardium of heart?

13 $200 Answer from b1 Cardiac muscle tissue

14 $400 Question from b2 What muscle tissue is associated with & attached to the skeleton?

15 $400 Answer from b2 Skeletal muscle tissue

16 $600 Question from b3 What muscle tissue makes up walls of organs ?

17 $600 Answer from b3 Smooth muscle tissue

18 $800 Question from b4 Is smooth muscle voluntary or involuntary?

19 $800 Answer from b4 involuntary

20 $1000 Question from b5 What is another name for smooth muscle tissue?

21 $1000 Answer from b5 visceral

22 $200 Question from c1 What is the connective tissue sheath surrounding each muscle?

23 $200 Answer from c1 epimysium

24 $400 Question from c2 What is the connective tissue outside the epimysium which surrounds and separates muscles?

25 $400 Answer from c2 Fascia

26 $600 Question from c3 What are bundles of muscle fibers called?

27 $600 Answer from c3 Fasciculus

28 $800 Question from c4 What is the layer of connective tissue that surrounds the fasciculus?

29 $800 Answer from c4 Perimysium

30 $1000 Question from c5 What is the connective tissue called that surrounds the muscle fiber?

31 $1000 Answer from c5 Endomysium

32 $200 Question from d1 This is the technical name of muscle cells?

33 $200 Answer from d1 Muscle fibers

34 $400 Question from d2 Muscle fibers contain specialized smooth ER called __________________.

35 $400 Answer from d2 Sarcoplasmic reticulum

36 $600 Question from d3 This is the name of the cytoplasm found in muscle fibers. .

37 $600 Answer from d3 Sarcoplasm

38 $800 Question from H4 What is the cell membrane of muscle fibers called?

39 $800 Answer from H4 Sarcolemma

40 $1000 Question from H4 Myofibrils contain the two myofilaments ____________ and ___________.

41 $1000 Answer from H4 actin (thin filaments) and myosin (thick filaments)

42 $200 Question from e1 2. Palmaris longus, What group of muscles are 1, 3, and 4 pointing to?

43 $200 Answer from e1 flexors

44 $400 Question from e2 1. Is pointing to this muscle

45 $400 Answer from e2 deltoid

46 $600 Question from e3 The women are on a machine named for the muscles they are working (inner thigh). What is the name of this muscle?

47 $600 Answer from e3 adductors

48 $800 Question from e4 What is the name of the muscle 1 is pointing to?

49 $800 Answer from e5 Rectus Abdominus

50 $1000 Question from e5 What is the name of muscle “A” in the picture?

51 $1000 Answer from e4 Temporalis

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