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It counts for 20% of your final grade

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2 It counts for 20% of your final grade
It counts for 20% of your final grade. The English II EOC has the potential to significantly lower your overall grade, but it also has the power to improve your grade.

3 Important information about the English II EOC exam:
It normally has 7 passages (1 poem, 4 informational, 2 fictional) It has an average passage length of 5 pages. There are usually around 68 questions on the English II EOC. The exam will have multiple choice questions (around 60),short answer constructed response questions (4 questions that account for approximately 25-36% of the exam grade), and technology enhanced questions (ex.-highlighting the lines from a poem that illustrate the theme). The scores range from 1-5 (Scores of 3 and above are proficient)

4 Percentage of items on the test
Reading for Literature 30-34% Reading for Information 32-38% Writing (constructed responses) 14-18% Language (grammar in constructed responses, vocabulary, and understanding of figurative language)

5 Last Minute Tips You will have 4 hours to complete the English II EOC. Eat a good breakfast on the morning of the exam. Listen to your favorite "happy" songs before the exam. The passages are LONG; make sure you sleep well the night before. USE THE STRETCH BREAKS TO STRETCH! (hint: pull down on your ear lobes if you become sleepy; it's a natural pressure point that will help your body stay awake.) FLAG questions that you are unsure of, but go ahead and choose an answer. When you finish all sections, go back to your flagged questions (there will be a chart at the end that indicates which questions you flagged) and reread the questions/passages; choose your final answer. The English II EOC is completed on the computer

6 Cont. You must read the passages; you will NOT be able to simply look at the questions and quickly skim back over the text to find the answers. Read the poems at least twice. Do not mentally shut down when you encounter difficult passages, poems, questions, etc. Take a deep breath and attempt to figure out the answer (flag if you need to come back). Remember, there will be a mixture of hard and easy questions. Take your time; do not feel rushed if others around you finish sooner than you. There is no need to rush. You cannot leave when you are finished, and you cannot use your phone when finished, so USE THE TIME YOU’RE GIVEN. Yes, there is a curve for this exam. DO NOT assume that the curve mimics the curve of other state tested subjects (Math I, Biology). Do NOT assume that the curve will mimic the English II curve of past years (scores tend to improve each year causing a drop in the curve). Do your very best!

7 Rhetorical, Literary, and Language Devices Chart
Literary Terms and Rhetorical Devices Study Guide

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