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RLS components: repairs and spare status

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1 RLS components: repairs and spare status
RPC Link System Executive Meeting, 28 April 2010

2 RPC Link System Inventory
Component Abbrev. Install. Spares needed Spares avail. Broken Repaired final test needed Link Board Box LBB 96 7 8 - LBB Backplane BP Master Link Board MLB 444 45 1 112 47* + 50 Slave Link Board SLB 788 79 70 41 Control Board CB 192 20 5 30 Actel Mezzanine CBICm LBB Frontplane FP 10 * Installed in UXC and working correctly (after GOL replacment) RLS Executive, 28 April 2010 Maciek Kudła, University of Warsaw

3 MLBs 112 boards damaged; 47: repaired, tested and installed on detector GOL replacment – 47, 50: GOL replaced, tests in progress, 15: problem to be localised. RLS Executive, 28 April 2010 Maciek Kudła, University of Warsaw

4 SLBs 41 boards damaged 41: problem to be localised. Low priority – sufficient number of spare modules RLS Executive, 28 April 2010 Maciek Kudła, University of Warsaw

5 CBs 30 boards damaged 20: repaired and partially tested,
CCU – 10, LVDS drivers in CCU ring – 4, Xilinx – 3; 9: waiting for Xilinx replacment, 1: problem to be localised. RLS Executive, 28 April 2010 Maciek Kudła, University of Warsaw

6 CBICms 7 mezzanines damaged
20 boards ordered. Should be available at the and of May. RLS Executive, 28 April 2010 Maciek Kudła, University of Warsaw

7 Conclusions Satisfactory results of RLS components repairs
Low cost (150 instead 1000 CHF when additional production made), Good efficiency, But: tests in 904 needed: eye diagram, configurations, data transfer, etc The end of June – we should have enough spares for all RLS components and RLS spare components problem solved. RLS Executive, 28 April 2010 Maciek Kudła, University of Warsaw

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