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Male Reproductive System

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1 Male Reproductive System
Chapter 16 Lesson 2

2 What it does Produces Sperm & delivers it to female
Sperm = male reproductive cell Produces testosterone Male reproductive hormone

3 Male Parts & Functions 1) Testicle: (2, one on each side, testes)
produces sperm & testosterone Correspond to the ovaries in women 2) Scrotum: pouch that protects testes controls temp 3) Epididymis: sperm mature & are stored here 4) Vas deferens: long tube that sperm travels through to leave body 5) Urethra: allows urine & sperm/semen out of body

4 Male Parts & Functions 6) Seminal vesicle: 7) Prostate gland:
produces fluid that nourishes sperm & helps sperm move easier (semen) 7) Prostate gland: produces fluid to protect sperm 8) Cowper’s gland: produces fluid that’s released before ejaculation to produce a good environment 9) Penis: outside of body, removes urine & delivers sperm 10) Bladder: holds urine 11) Anus: opening from the digestive system for eliminating wastes.

5 Path of the Sperm Sperm moves from the testes -> Epididymis ->
vas deferens seminal vesicles -> prostate gland -> cowper’s gland -> urethra -> exit tip of penis

6 Maintaining Reproductive Health
Male reproductive health involves care & monitoring throughout a male’s lifetime (open to pg. 448) Bathe regularly Wear protective equipment Practice abstinences Perform regular self-examinations Get regular check ups

7 Problems with the Male Reproductive System
Open To Page 450 Inguinal hernia Sterility Testicular cancer Younger men, yrs Prostate problems & cancer Older men

8 Open to Page 450 “How To Do A Testicular Self-exam”

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