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Universal Brotherhood

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1 Universal Brotherhood

2 All of you are from Adam and Adam was created from clay…
The value of human brotherhood is among the fundamental teachings of Islam. According to the Holy Qur'an, nuclear and extended families are a microcosm of universal brotherhood. God says: "… but kindred by blood have prior rights against each other in the book of God…" (8:75) All of you are from Adam and Adam was created from clay…

3 Q1: Why did God create us? He is the Creator, Evolver, Shaper, Provider, Lord, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. He is the Creator, Wise, Knower…. What would you think of someone who claims to be a doctor yet he has never cured any disease nor treated any patent? to develop the living conditions on the earth as well as to worship Him. what is the aim of any innovator or inventor? to develop the quality of our souls in order to prove and improve ourselves.

4 * People who prefer to marry certain nationalities to others…
Q2. Why are we different? Ans. (a) So that we can easily recognize each other and easily be identified. (b) a human being is created in such a way that he likes diversification by instinct. * People who prefer to marry certain nationalities to others…

5 (c) it is a test for mankind, God says: "O mankind
(c) it is a test for mankind, God says: "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most God-conscious.” (49:13). so that we can compete against each other in developing the earth and doing other acts of righteousness.

6 God says: “… the seal thereof will be musk: and for this let them compete against each other those who aspire (for the bliss of the hereafter). ( 83:26)

7 Q3. What are the things that make people arrogant and proud?
Color of skin, God says: "And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors; verily in that are signs for those who know." (30:22) wealth, God says: "Your riches and your children may be but a trial. But in the presence of God is the highest reward." (64:15)

8 the degree or prestige that one enjoys, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: "Whoever humbles himself while dealing with others, God will elevate him to the highest spiritual ranks." social status and a high post. God says: "It is He Who has made you (His) agents, inheritors of the earth: He has raised you in ranks, some above others: that He may try you in the gifts He has given you: for your Lord is quick in punishment – yet is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (6:165)

9 tribe, God says: "… and We have made you into nations and tribes so that you recognize each other (not that you despise each other)." (49:13) ignorance, God says: "… ask those who posses knowledge if you know not." (21:07) stereotypes, "And pursue not that of which you have no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing, or of (feeling in) the heart will be inquired into (on the Day of Reckoning.) (17:36)

10 Q3. What are the factors that can help establish universal brotherhood?
(a) Equality: This value of equality is not to be mistaken for or confused with identicalness. Islam teaches us that we are all equal in the sight of God but not necessarily identical. We read in the Holy Qur'an: "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well-acquainted (with all things). (49: 13)

11 respect for all regardless of color, race, religion and social status
respect for all regardless of color, race, religion and social status. (asking permission of a child to forgo him in presenting milk…) helping one another when in need (Whoever solves a Muslim’s problem, God will solve one of his problems on the Judgment Day) love your neighbor as you love yourself: (Mathew 22: 37) + “You will not enter paradise until you believe…” to implement justice to all: God says: “… and let not

12 the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just; that is next to piety and fear God. For God is well-acquainted with all that you do.” (5:8) + Story of Umar with the man who killed his relative…)

13 (a) All of them are created by one God.
Q5. What are the factors that can help unify mankind? (a) All of them are created by one God. (d) they are descendants of one couple, Adam and Eve. (c) all mankind belong to the human race. (d) God is just and kind to all His creatures. (e) all people are born equal in the sense that non of them brings any property with him and no one takes anything with him when he dies.

14 (f) God judges every person on the basis of his own merits and according to his own deeds. (God does not look at your faces …etc.) (g) God has conferred on man a title of honor and dignity. We read in the Holy Qur'an: "We have honored the sons of Adam; provided them with the means of transportation on land and sea; given them for sustenance good and pure things, and conferred on them special favors above a great part of our creation." (17: 70)

15 h) doing good to those who have wronged you
h) doing good to those who have wronged you. (story of Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, with the Jewish boy who used to throw garbage at his door). We read in the Holy Qur'an: "Nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel (evil) with what is better: then will he between whom and you was hatred become as if he were your intimate friend." (41: 34)

16 Human Rights in Islam Islam has laid down certain rights for Muslims as well as non-Muslims who may be living within the boundaries of an Islamic state and these rights do necessarily form part of the Islamic constitution. (When Prophet Muhammad emigrated to Medina)

17 The Basic Human Rights in Islam
The right to life: We read in the Holy Qur'an: "Whosoever kills a human being ( without any reason) like manslaughter, or corruption on earth, it will be as though he had killed all mankind." (5: 32) The right to basic necessities of life: We read in the Holy Qur'an: "And in their wealth there is an acknowledged right for the needy and the destitute, he who asked and he who (for some reason) was prevented from asking." (51: 19)

18 The right of protection: non-Muslims have the right of protection from inside and outside aggression. After the Tartar commander had agreed to free only Muslim prisoners of war, Ibn Taymiyya insisted that non-Muslim prisoners of war also be released because they were under the Muslim protection. (Do you know who is the bankrupt man?)

19 Right of choosing religion: This is based on God's commandment that reads as follows: "Let there be no compulsion in religion. (2: 256) In another verse we read: "Will you compel mankind against their will to believe?" (12: 99) Freedom of work and profession: Work and profession are a birth right of every one. No one should regard it as special for him and deny it others.

20 Q6. What are the Islamic Laws regarding war?
Ans. War must either be of a defensive nature or aimed at removing oppression, wherever it may be - as it is nowadays fittingly called a just cause. It must be fought without harm to innocent civilians or the environment. (49: 09)

21 Q7. Is an alliance with non-Muslims in a just cause acceptable?
Ans. Yes, an example for this is the Prophet Muhammad's treaty with the Jews of Medina for the joint defense of that city against the pagans of Mecca. Another example is the reference by the prophet to a treaty between the tribes of Mecca, long before his mission as a prophet. Those tribes agreed to join forces in order to protect the oppressed people.

22 Q8. What were prophet Muhammad's instructions to his companions during war?
Ans. "You should only fight against your enemy and not against women, children or the elderly people. Monks, priests and other religious people in their monasteries or houses of worship should not be harmed, nor should the trees that belong to the enemy be cut or set on fire as a war measure. By no means should animals be targeted or slaughtered except for food."

23 Thank you for attending!

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