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EDU 8350 Class #3 Some important ideas from Maxine Greene;

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1 EDU 8350 Class #3 Some important ideas from Maxine Greene;
Deadly dualisms; Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec

2 Greene, M. (1994). Epistemology and educational research: The influence of recent approaches to knowledge. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, 20, AERA. Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec

3 We need to examine • The ways the binary oppositions so prevalent in our talk, structure our thinking in foundational ways: Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec Greene, M. (1994). Epistemology and educational research: The influence of recent approaches to knowledge. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, 20, AERA.

4 Deadly dualisms Mind Body Rational Emotional Male Female Adult Child
White Black (of colour) Science Humanities/Arts Logic Imagination Theory Practice Normal Abnormal Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec

5 In addition to understanding how the binary oppositions so prevalent in our talk, structure our thinking in foundational ways . . . Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec Greene, M. (1994). Epistemology and educational research: The influence of recent approaches to knowledge. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, 20, AERA.

6 We need to examine •The assumed neutrality of science;
• The role of language in the construction of knowledge and identity • The habit of calling the familiar "natural" and the shared "normal"; Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec Greene, M. (1994). Epistemology and educational research: The influence of recent approaches to knowledge. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, 20, AERA.

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