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Term 3 and 4 Information Sheet

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1 Term 3 and 4 Information Sheet
YEAR FOUR School year Meet the team Mrs Brawn – Class Teacher Mrs Loach – LSA Monday – Friday Mrs Hall – Wednesday afternoons WOW opportunities The Year 4 Crew will be scientists in Terms 3 and 4. In Term 3 they will be learning about the human body including the digestive system, skeletons and muscles and in Term 4 how plants grow including the life cycle, pollination and seed dispersal. The children will be given the opportunity to meet and greet some experts from the health and fitness industry and a range of professions who can advise us how to keep ourselves healthy. Please ask your child about this! Home learning and spellings Following on from Term 2, the Year 4 crew will be given home learning weekly on a Friday to be returned by the following Thursday. The expectation is that children are to complete their home learning as often as possible and as a minimum every other week. It really does help your child’s learning to complete these homework tasks, so do encourage them. These tasks are designed for children to be able to tackle them independently but at times they may need your help. Alongside this, we will give out a weekly spelling list which children are expected to practise in their own time. They will take part in spelling check and dictation activity every Friday. Some children may also be working on securing the spelling of Key Stage 1 words which they will need to learn also. They will know if they are in this group so please ask your child. Times Tables All children have been given the Times Table Rockstar login and it is in their Partnership Books. Please encourage them to use this fantastic online activity to learn all their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. It is great fun and you can play along with them. We will send home times table test checks which we will do in class to let you see how your child is progressing. Helping your child at home Please encourage your child to read regularly and try to hear them read at least three times per week. It is important that children read a wide variety of texts that include fiction, magazines, news, recipes, comics and so on. Children in year four are expected to know all their times tables up to 12x12 by the end of this year so practising these at home as well as in school is vital. Please continue to use times table rocks stars. In class we will use Hit the Button to help us learn times tables too and other number facts. Please continue supporting your child at home as much as possible. What do I need and when? Reading books and home partnership books– every day. Full PE kit in school every day for PE lessons. Water bottle, clearly labelled. Homework by Thursday

2 What goes in must come out!
Must know vocabulary for this unit: nutrition energy health diet balanced omnivore herbivore carnivore skeleton produce digest / digestion muscles hygiene exercise movement hydration growth organs seasonality Can you help me understand the meaning of these words? Maths During Term 3 and 4 we will be covering the following mathematical topics: Multiplication and Division Length and Perimeter Area Fractions We will be continuing to learn our times tables too using Hit the Button and Times Table Rock Stars. English Term 3 Class Text: ‘Ice Palace’ by Robert Swindells. We will be writing a narrative ending, writing in role, reading and writing poetry, and completing reading comprehension and SPaG activities based on this text. Explanation writing on the digestive system using the text ‘The Journey through the Digestive System’ as a stimuli. Term 4 Class Text: ‘How to Grow Dragons’. The focus will be on growing plants and living things. Reading Comprehension Weekly comprehension to improve the skills of explaining, retrieving and interpreting fiction and non-fiction texts. Learning Theme Science In Term 3, we will be learning about nutrition and that humans and some animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. We will also learn to understand the basic functions of the digestive system and the different types of teeth and their functions in humans. In Term 4, we will be identifying and describing the functions of different parts of flowering plants, learning how water is transported within plants, the life cycle of a plant, including the importance of pollination and seed dispersal. DT In Term 3, we will be learning the principles of a healthy and varied diet, a variety of cooking techniques and understanding seasonality to know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed. Art In Term 4 , we will be looking at botanical gardens and learning how to use a variety of techniques to develop the skills of drawing and creating tone, mixing and matching colour, enlarging and painting to create a final piece. PE Hydration sessions – 5 weeks of keep fit and hydrated sessions from Weston AFC. Circuit training – heart rate, pulse, fitness and stamina. Dance - growing and muscle movement. Tennis and Tri-Gold developing skills and game concepts. RE Christianity- What can we learn from the life and teaching of Jesus? Salvation – Easter PSHE Healthy me – understanding friendship dynamics , knowing smoking and alcohol effects health, resisting influences and distinguishing the difference between right and wrong. Dreams and Goals –understanding that not all hopes and dreams come true, managing disappointment, setting goals and achieving. Computing – Programming using Scratch. Collecting and handling data using excel/ E-Safety: making positive comments online and using age appropriate games and apps. Music - Mamma Mia: experimenting with tone, rhythm and beat. Learning to play the glockenspiel.

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