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Face Detection in Color Images

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Presentation on theme: "Face Detection in Color Images"— Presentation transcript:

1 Face Detection in Color Images

2 Method Used Face detection using skin color based segmentation

3 Data Set A Data set of more than 100 singular face images with faces directly facing the camera to get a better skin color estimation. Source :- Google and AltaVista search engines

4 Steps Followed Use of HSV color space for color segmentation instead of RGB. Training of the algorithm using the given dataset in HSV color space. Using Images with multiple face images to generate the final results.

5 Results obtained For Skin Color classification the algorithm gave the following results: 17/255 <= H <= 240/255

6 Original Image Segmented image

7 Original Image Segmented Image

8 Original Image Segmented Image

9 cntd…..

10 Future Work Getting Better approximation of skin color using factors like saturation and Value in HSV and also using other models such as YCbCr for further refinement. Extraction of actual faces from the segmented images using symmetric properties of face and elliptical objects

11 References and Platforms
Matlab Image processing tool box. Detecting Human Faces in Color Images by Ming Yang and Narendra Ahuja. A Bayesian approach to skin color classification in YCbCr Space by Douglas Chai and Abdesselam Bouzerdoum.

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