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(gets faster as it falls)

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Presentation on theme: "(gets faster as it falls)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (gets faster as it falls)
Falling Apple: Changing Speed (gets faster as it falls) Same Direction (always falls down)

2 Net Force is Zero, No Net Motion Equal and Opposite
Force from the Table Force = (apple’s mass)  (acceleration due to gravity) Net Force is Zero, No Net Motion

3 Local Sky Zenith N W E S Horizon

4 NCP Visible Half of the Sky Below the Horizon N S Z E W CEq SCP

5 Measuring Latitude Zenith NCP CEq N W E S Latitude Horizon


7 NCP Summer Solstice Ecliptic CEq Winter Solstice SCP

8 Autumnal Summer Equinox Solstice Winter Vernal Solstice Equinox NCP
Ecliptic CEq Winter Solstice Vernal Equinox SCP

9 September June December March

10 Equinoxes: March 20 & Sept. 22
Northern Spring/Fall Southern Fall/Spring

11 December 21: Winter Solstice
Northern Winter Southern Summer

12 June 21: Summer Solstice Northern Summer Southern Winter

13 1 KW/m2 1 KW/m2 1 m2 2 m2

14 2000 Dec 21: Winter Solstice 2001 Mar 20: Vernal Equinox Winter Spring Summer Autumn 2001 June 21: Summer Solstice 2001 Sept 22: Autumnal Equinox Summer Autumn Winter Spring

15 Cepheus Draco Polaris Ursa Minor 2000 AD Thuban 2700 BC

16 Precession of the Equinoxes

17 d M1 M2 2d M1 M2 d/2 M1 M2

18 M1 M2 d 2M1 M2 d 2M1 2M2 d


20 Conic Section Curves Circle Ellipse Parabola Hyperbola

21 Parabola v = vE Hyperbola v>vE Ellipse vC<v<vE Circle v = vC Ellipse v<vC

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