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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS (Final Presentation) CBE STRATEGIC PLAN FINANCIAL YEARS 2011/12 – 2013/14."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presentation outline Background and policy context Key challenges
Responses to Portfolio Committee Status of Auditor-General findings Demographic Profile of the BE Professions Strategic goals of the CBE Programme Description 2011/12 – 2013/14 Programme outline Budgets for 2011/12

The CBE 2014 Strategic Plan is a product of the Strategic Planning Session held by the new CBE Council on the February 2011. The Strategic Plan is informed by the following key policy documents: Updated Government’s medium term strategic framework document 2011 State of the Nation Address Outline of the Minister’s key priorities The 2011 National Budget including estimates of national expenditure The 2011/14 Strategic Plan and 2011/12 Business Plan considered and integrated key national and sectoral policy priorities including inputs from key stakeholders such as Professional Councils This resulted in realignment of CBE work in an effort to make the organisation and the BE industry more responsive to important developmental priorities such as job creation and skills development. The review of the mandates of the CBE was also a key input towards the strategic and business planning for the next MTEF period The 2011/12 CBE Business Plan has since been tabled to Minister of Public Works for consideration and approval.

4 Some key challenges Slow pace of transformation in the BE sector
Poor representation of women and black people in the BE industry Skills development Poor throughput rates from tertiary education levels Poor maths and science literacy level (from high school level) Registration bottlenecks within BE professions Delivery constraints Mandates of CBE and Professional Councils were never fully costed Funding and human resource capacity constraints at Professional Council level Funding constraints at CBE level

The previous engagements with the Portfolio Committee raised two critical aspects on the resolution of Accreditation of Built Environment (BE) Programmes that are not accredited and conclusion of MoA between the Professional Councils and CBE. On the Accreditation, we have concluded an Accreditation timetable outlining the time series targets and programme of ensuring that all unaccredited BE programmes are accredited within the term of the current Professional Councils terms. On the conclusion and sign-off of the MoAs to regularise institutional relations, enable alignment and effective co-ordination, only 2 agreements have been signed with the SACPVP and SACPCMP. It must be noted that inspite the conclusion of in-principle agreements with all the 6 PCs as of 18 January 2011 with the process that commenced from October 2010 following the Portfolio Committees directive to conclude the MoA agreed upon in Joint Strategic Planning session of February 2009, the balance of PCs including ECSA, SACQSP, SACLAP and SACAP have not signed the agreement.

The public policy priorities relating to Job Creation, Rural development, Green House Gas Mitigation and Safety & Health have received prioritised responses through the available policy instruments. The policy instruments that have been identified to drive the re-orientation of professional practice are 1. CPD (Continued Professional Development), 2. Accreditation requirements of Built Environment Programmes, 3. SGB (Standard Generating Body function of setting standards for curricula) and 4. International Agreements function for mutual recognition of Professions and Qualifications. The approach is informed by an active instrumentalist approach to equip our Built Environment Professionals with the required skills sets, prior exiting institutions of higher learning and those in practice, to be able to Design, Develop, Maintain, Refurbish and Rehabilitate our Infrastructure through Labour Intensive Techniques, enable contextualised Rural Development, deliver infrastructure that meets our Kyoto Protocol obligations within Cabinet’s approved LTMS Strategy for the Republic and within a no harm ethos to Labour and the Public. It should be noted that the impact of our policy instruments, is within the time series range of medium term between 3-5 years post implementation.

7 Status of the Auditor-General findings
External Audit Number of Reported findings Number of findings Resolved Number of partially resolved findings Number of unresolved findings Number of findings 17 16 1 Percentage 100% 94% 0% 6% Corrective actions and implementation dates are agreed upon with the AG. Follow-up review is scheduled to be performed by Internal Auditors. Audit matrix is developed for Audit and Risk Management Committee reporting.

8 Racial profile of the BE Professions

9 Racial Breakdown of the BE professions

10 Gender Profile of BE Professions

11 Strategic goals of the CBE
The strategic planning and realignment processes mentioned in the previous slides resulted in formulation of 8 key strategic goals for the CBE which will guide and inform the work of the CBE over the next MTEF period. The following are the 8 key strategic goals adopted by the council: Drive, support and advise on transformation within the Built Environment Facilitate integrated development Perform a leading role in building stakeholder relations Develop CBE into a thought leader in the BE Reposition the CBE in the market Strengthen and maintain effective and efficient public protection regime Inform and influence government infrastructure spend and professional practice so that they are responsive to national priorities Strengthen the administration function of the CBE To realise these important goals the organisation has arranged its work into four key programmes which represent a consolidation of key strategic priorities for the organisation going forward. The section below will present these programmes including key targets, KPIs and outputs for the 2011/12 financial year.

12 Description of programmes
Programme objectives 1. Administration To improve the image and profile of the CBE. Establish an efficient, effective and compliant CBE organisation. To ensure there is a functional human capital aligned to the Programmes of the CBE To create an output oriented organisation. To increase financial viability and ensure sustainability of the CBE. 2. Built Environment Academy Provision of funding support to deserving students to study BE qualifications at tertiary institutions. To promote and facilitate of skills development within the BE. To promote the transformation agenda within the built environment. Establish a Built Environment Academy 3. Centre for innovation and integrated planning To improve coorperative relationships with sector partners locally and internationally. To provide data and information for strategic analysis and decision support capabilities. To provide sustained research and capacity for policy making 4. Public Interest Ensure effective and efficient tribunals and appeals processes Develop and implement an effective public protection regime

13 Programme 1: Administration
Strategic Goal Outcome KPIs Baseline Target 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Lead and strengthen stakeholder management To improve the image and profile of the CBE % or proportion of CBE Stakeholders expressing satisfaction with quality of service provided by the CBE 33% Satisfaction 55% Satisfaction Level 55% 65% Strengthen administration function of the CBE Enhanced corporate governance and performance culture in the CBE Availability of an updated risk management strategy and plan Risk register currently in place Updated risk management strategy and plan Review the risk management strategy and plan Sound Governance Availability of a corporate governance framework Not available yet Framework approved and available Implement the framework Review the framework % level of matters of audit opinion emphasis that get cumulatively addressed in each period (year and all quarters) Unqualified Audit report with matters of emphasis 50% or more reduction of emphasised matters. 100% Strengthen the administration function of the CBE A fully capacitated organisation % of posts on approved structure fully funded for the next MTEF 84% 95% or more Total budget required for the programme – 2011/12 9,103,586

14 Programme 2: Built Environment Academy
Strategic Goal Outcome KPIs Baseline Target 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Drive, support and advise transformation in the built environment Increased participation of PDI particularly women and youth in the built environment industry Percentage of PDI in the built environment professions. 20% 25% 30% Increased registrations Availability of a structured candidacy programme for built environment None yet Approved feasibility report and business model Implement the structured candidacy programme Implement a structured candidacy programme Inform and influence government infrastructure spend and professional practice to be responsive to public policy priorities. Built an environment professional that responds to the developmental objectives of the country. Availability of the CPD regulations CPD Policy framework available Completion and implementation of the CPD regulations. Implementation of CPD regulations of four BE professions. Implementation of CPD regulations across all BE professions. BE sector that is a learning site and a resource centre for skills development and transfer. Availability of Skills Academy No baseline, first measurement Approved Business model for the Academy Pilot the programme. Full roll out of the programme. Consistent application of educational standards and qualifications Availability of the SGB framework Not yet available (position paper in progress) Completion of the SGB framework. Implementation of the framework. Review the framework. Total budget required for the programme -2011/12 7,413,463

15 Programme 3: Centre for innovation and integrated planning
Strategic Goal Outcome KPIs Baseline Annual Target 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Develop CBE into a thought leader in the built environment Reliable and accessible platform for information sharing and dissemination - reliable value addition availability of an database repository No baseline- first time to be measured Repository / database available and in use Full roll-out of data repository Expand and enhance the content of the repository CBE as a centre for innovation and excellence % increase in external usage of databases 50% 60% 65% Lead and strengthen stakeholder management Improved stakeholder management % implementation of a stakeholder management strategy 0% 100% Facilitate integrated development planning Enhanced development planning Availability of Centre for Innovation and Integrated Planning (CIIP) Not available n/a Establishment of the CIIP roadmap and plans Establishment of the CIIP Number of advisory reports 1 2 3 Increased definition and recognition of the CBE Brand Availability of developed corporate image improvement strategy Approved corporate image improvement strategy Implement the corporate image improvement strategy Review the corporate image improvement strategy Increased partnerships with key strategic players Number of new partnerships agreed within the African continent (SADC specifically) None yet 7 (SADC) 2 (BRICSA) Total budget required for the programme – 2011/12 13,448,873

16 Programme 4: Public Interest
Strategic Goal Outcomes KPIs Baseline Annual Target 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Strengthen and implement a public protection regime Enhanced public protection standards Cumulative number of IDOW regulations developed 2 of 6 4 n/a Availability of registration regulations none Draft registration regulations submitted to Minister Registration regulations implemented Awareness and Education around regulations Availability of appeals regulations Draft regulations submitted to the Minister Availability of shared legal services Approved business plan for shared legal services Implementation of shared legal services Compliance with public protection standards Availability of proposals for amendment of professional councils acts Proposed amendments still to be consulted with PC’s Review reports compiled and draft proposals submitted to Minister Amendments effected Implementation of amended Acts Increased understanding and awareness of consumer rights Number of campaigns held 3 Total budget required for the programme 2011/12 3,175,080

17 CBE Total Budget for 2011/12 Total Budget 43 491 Expenditure Items
Administrative Expenditure 7 764 Professional and Special Services 1 851 Capital Assets 735 Programme Expenditure 33 141 Total Budget 43 491 The budget above is based on the revised business plan by the Council to fulfill its mandate in terms of the Act. The appropriated funds were R27,1 million based on the MTEF baseline allocation.

18 CBE Total Budget Shortfall for 2011/12
Total baseline funding available for 2011/12 R’000 Total funds required to execute business plan for 2011/12 Shortfall/deficit Total funds required 27 059 43 491 16 432 Additional funds of R16.4 million are required to fully execute 2011/12 Business Plan The funds of R27.1 million allocated by the National Treasury are not adequate for full implementation of CBE plans The CBE has requested the Minister to consider making additional funds available to the CBE to assist the organisation to implement its key priorities for 2011/12 The additional funds would significantly assist the CBE to effectively discharge its mandates and to further ensure that the BE industry makes a meaningful contribution to key policy priorities of government

19 Thank you


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