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Executive Office of the President

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1 Executive Office of the President

2 Executive Office of the President
I. 6 separate organizations: White House Staff National Security Council Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Council of Economic Advisers National Economic Council Vice President

3 1st White House Staff II. Original Staff:
A. 1st POTUS George Washington 1. Did not have a receptionist 2. Had to hire his own nephews to be his personal assistants a. Paid him out of his own pocket.

4 Today’s White House Staff
III. Today’s White House: A. Appointed by the POTUS 1. Does not need Senate approval B. Led by Chief of Staff 1. Denis McDonough Runs the White House i. serves as a watch dog b. Keeps POTUS on schedule

5 Other Staff Members C. Press Secretary 1. Josh Earnest
a. Works as voice of the White House b. Works with the press

6 Coolest Job in White House
D. President’s Body Man 1. Reggie Love a. Right hand man to POTUS

7 Other Staff Members E. Presidential Speech Writer 1. John Favreau
a. Writes most speeches for the POTUS

8 National Security Council (NSC)
IV. National Security Council A. Led by military leader Joint Chiefs of Staff 1. Advisor to the Secretary of Defense and all branches of military B. Set up in 1947 1. Goal is to improve coordination agencies dealing with national security: a. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) b. State Department i. Led by John Kerry c. Defense Department i. Led by Ashton Carter Ashton B. Carter

9 Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
V. Office of Management and Budget 1. Importance: a. They control all of the money for budgets. b. OMB’s #1 Job i. Figure out the annual budget for the government!

10 Council of Economic Advisors
VI. Council of Economic Advisors: (1946) **Gives POTUS economic advice** A. 3 member staff of economists 1. Try to warn POTUS of any changes in: a. American economy b. World economy

11 National Economic Council
VII. Nat’l Econ. Council: (1993) A. Monitors and advises POTUS on 1. U.S. trade 2. Industry

12 Vice President VIII. VP A. VP Biden 1. Works on American Recovery Act
a. AKA Bailout

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