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Mendel’s Contribution(s)?

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Presentation on theme: "Mendel’s Contribution(s)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mendel’s Contribution(s)?

2 This Week Finish C. elegans experiment, Tinker with wasps,
Exam Review (April 20th) Exam I (April 23rd), Basic Mendel! C. elegans! Bioinfomatics! Nasonia!

3 Mendel’s First Postulate
Unit Factors in Pairs Genetic characteristics are controlled by unit factors that exist in pairs* in individual organisms, each individual receives one unit factor from each parent*, in a monohybrid cross, three combinations of unit factors are possible, * not in Nasonia males!

4 Mendel’s Second Postulate
Dominant/Recessive When two unlike unit factors are present in a single individual, one unit factor is dominant to the other, which is said to be recessive.

5 Mendel’s Third Postulate
Segregation During the processes of heredity, the paired unit factors separate so that the offspring receives one unit factor from each parent, The unit factors segregate to offspring randomly.

6 Mendel’s Forth Postulate
Independent Assortment How do two traits segregate in the offspring of an individual that is heterozygous for both traits?

7 Independent Assortment …checking complementation in the F2
P: F1: F2: AAdd x aaDD AaDd 9: A_D_ 3: aaD_ 3: A_dd 1: aadd P: F1: F2: aadd x AADD AaDd 9: A_D_ 3: aaD_ 3: A_dd 1: aadd Both Recessive? Both Dominant? One of each? 9:7 wt : mut 1:15 wt : mut 3:13 wt : mut

8 P to F1 Haplo/Diplo: Thinking about complementation groups…
Both recessive: aaDD x Ad  female: AaDd, male aD Both Dominant: aaDD x Ad  female: AaDd, male aD One dominant*: aadd x AD  female: AaDd, male ad or… AADD x ad  female: AaDd, male AD * need to define which is dominant!

9 P to F1 to “F2” Haplo/Diplo: Thinking about complementation groups…
Both recessive: aaDD x Ad  female: AaDd  ¼AD + ¼Ad + ¼aD + ¼ad Both Dominant: aaDD x Ad  female: AaDd  ¼AD + ¼Ad + ¼aD + ¼ad One dominant*: aadd x AD  female: AaDd  ¼AD + ¼Ad + ¼aD + ¼ad or… AADD x ad  female: AaDd  ¼AD + ¼Ad + ¼aD + ¼ad * need to define which is dominant!

10 Forked-Line Method Haplo/Diplo F2 AaDd x AD. (
Forked-Line Method Haplo/Diplo F2 AaDd x AD* (*male genotype could be ad, aD, Ad) 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 AD 1 AD = ¼ AADD ½ D ½ d 1/2 D 1/2 A 1/2 a 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 Ad 1 AD = ¼ AADd 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 aD 1 AD = ¼ AaDD 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 ad 1 AD = ¼ AaDd

11 Forked-Line Method Haplo/Diplo F2 AaDd x AD. (
Forked-Line Method Haplo/Diplo F2 AaDd x AD* (*male genotype could be ad, aD, Ad) 1/4 AD 1/4 Ad 1/4 aD 1/4 ad x 1 AD = ¼ AADD 1/4 AD 1/4 Ad 1/4 aD 1/4 ad x 1 ad = ¼ AaDd x 1 AD = ¼ AADd x 1 ad = ¼ Aadd x 1 AD = ¼ AaDD x 1 ad = ¼ aaDd x 1 AD = ¼ AaDd x 1 ad = ¼ aadd Have Fun! 1/4 AD 1/4 Ad 1/4 aD 1/4 ad x 1 aD = ¼ AaDD 1/4 AD 1/4 Ad 1/4 aD 1/4 ad x 1 Ad = ¼ AADd x 1 aD = ¼ AaDd x 1 Ad = ¼ AAdd x 1 aD = ¼ aaDD x 1 Ad = ¼ aaDd x 1 aD = ¼ aaDd x 1 Ad = ¼ Aadd

12 Lab Life Cycles

13 Wasp Development Timelines Life Cycles, Mating, etc.

14 C. elegans Nomenclature
Tower of Babel

15 This Week Wednesday, Friday, score F3s,
discuss Mendel Review Formal Lab Write-Up, think about or tinker with wasps? Friday, midterm,

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