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Identifying the conflicts a character undergoes

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1 Identifying the conflicts a character undergoes
Character conflict

2 DO NOW! (2 minutes) THINK of a conflict you have been a part of in the past week. Who was it with? A person? Yourself? Society? Nature? What happened? (30 seconds) PAIR with one other individual SHARE with one another (1 minute)

3 WHAT IS CONFLICT? Conflict is the opposition between persons and/or forces. There are four main types of conflict: character versus character, character versus self, character versus society and character versus nature.

4 FOUR TYPES OF CONFLICT Character versus character is a conflict between two people. This is an external conflict and examples include a physical fight or a verbal argument. Example: Batman vs. the Joker

5 FOUR TYPES OF CONFLICT Character versus self is a conflict in which a character is pitted against his/her own will, confusion or fear. The struggle is internal. Example: Superman struggles to hide his true identity.

6 FOUR TYPES OF CONFLICT Character versus society is a conflict in which a character’s source of conflict is derived from social traditions or concepts. Example: Martin Luther King Jr.

7 FOUR TYPES OF CONFLICT Character versus nature places a character against the forces of nature. Example: Residents of New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina

8 External vs. Internal External Internal
External Conflict takes place outside of the body Internal Internal Conflict takes place inside of the body/mind

9 Internal vs. External Character vs. Self is an internal conflict. Struggles or problems that occur inside a character. Includes mental and emotional struggles and feelings. Character vs. Character Character vs. Society Character vs. Nature: These are all external conflicts. These struggles come from outside forces that a character needs to deal with.

10 Group Practice I will give you a character conflict (character versus nature, for example). With your group, plan a short skit that accurately demonstrates your character conflict. Be prepared to act out your skit for the class. You will have 10 minutes to plan your skit. You will have 2 minutes to perform your skit.

11 Presentations! You will attentively watch each presentation.
The class will guess which conflict they think each group is illustrating: EXAMPLE: Group 1: I think they are Character versus nature Group 2: I think they are Character versus Character

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