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APA: Crediting Sources

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1 APA: Crediting Sources
The Reference List

2 General Guidelines List sources in alphabetical order
Use an ampersand (&) to separate authors Double space the reference list Use a hanging indent: The first line of the reference is flush left, while the second line is indented.

3 Journal Articles Author’s last name, first initial. (year). Title of article. Italicized Title of Journal, volume(issue), page number – page number. Author, A. & Author, B. (year). Title of article: First word after a colon also capitalized in a title. Italicized Title of Journal, volume(issue), page number – page number. Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (year). Title of article. Italicized Title of Journal, volume(issue), page number – page number. Example: James, C. & Phillips, M. (2012). Learning APA: Creating reference lists. Journal of Professional Seminar I, 5(1),

4 Books Regular book: Author, A. (year). Italicized title of book. City, State abbreviation: Name of publisher. Example: Surfer, D. (2004). Hanging ten. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Book with editions: Author, A. (year). Italicized title (edition number). City, State abbreviation: Name of publisher. Simpson, M. (1989). Bringing home the bacon (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

5 Chapter from a Book When the chapters of your book are written by people other than the authors on the cover, you must cite the chapter and the chapter’s author (s). The names on the book’s cover are the “editors,” even if they have also written chapters in the book. Chapter author, A. (year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book in italics (pages of the chapter). Location of publisher: Name of publisher. Example: Farnsworth, C. (2011). Managing diabetes. In P. Daniels & L. Keller (Eds.), Caring for adults ( ). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

6 Web Pages Provide the URL that links to the actual document/page you used (not just the home page of the document). Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of document. Retrieved from address Example: Williams, B. & Cullen, N. (1999). Using the Purdue OWL site. Retrieved from

7 Other things… When a source has no author, but is published by an organization, use the organization as the author. Example: American Nurses Association. (n.d.). Model “state” bill. The violence prevention in health care facilities act. Retrieved from ategories/WorkplaceSafety/Healthy- Nurse/bullyingworkplaceviolence/ModelW orkplaceViolenceBill.pdf

8 Other things… Consult your APA Manual for more information.
Personal Communication: Cite only within the text. Do not include any personal communications in your reference list (the reader cannot retrieve this type of data). If you cannot identify a date of publication, put n.d. (for “no date”): Smith, A. (n.d.). Tales from the nursing home. Journal of Geriatrics, 11(4), Consult your APA Manual for more information. Also visit Purdue OWL for help.

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