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Thursday,October 6 Watch this youtube video and write down one interesting fact about each of the endangered species.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday,October 6 Watch this youtube video and write down one interesting fact about each of the endangered species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday,October 6 Watch this youtube video and write down one interesting fact about each of the endangered species.


3 Continue to work on your endangered species project
Continue to work on your endangered species project. Due this Friday, 10-7 Grading Ruberic T-shirt Design: 30 points total 20 points=Have a catchy slogan or phrase to encourage people to care about the endangered species. 20 points=Have a picture or drawing of the endangered species. 10 points=Be in color.

4 Report: 75 points total 10 points=Typed, complete sentences, paragraph form 10 points=Picture of species 10 points=Two pages long, not including the picture, 12 pt font, double-spaced 45 points=Content. Does it answer the questions on the handout from yesterday?

5 Wednesday, October 5 What is the difference between an endangered species and an extinct species?

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