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New Testament Class Project Presentation

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1 New Testament Class Project Presentation
Love is … By Shirley Wu November 12, 2016

2 John 21: Refers to the uploaded video

3 Purpose To explain the meaning of love from both Christians and worldly perspectives To understand the different kinds of love To learn about forgiveness and how it applies in our world today

4 How do you define love? Study shows it really depends on the age
Young people (15 – 25) – defines love as a feeling Middle age (25 – 35 ) – defines love as a commitment Above 35 – defines love as an experience As someone becomes mature, one tends to take a deeper understanding of the word love.

5 Love from the Worldly Perspectives
Love is a feeling Love is a responsibility Love is an experience Love is temporary 4 in 10 1st marriage end in divorce: report – Canada – CBC News

6 How do you define love? The Greeks divide love into four levels:
"storge" was kinship "philia" was friendship "eros" was sexual and romantic love “agape” was divine love For example, "I love you but I'm not 'in love' with you" meaning "I feel philia toward you but not eros."

7 Do you believe in love and forgiveness?
Study shows that most of the people almost 90% replied “Yes”.

8 Love your enemies … Act immediately.
“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24) Don’t expect your enemies to change but change yourself. Pray for a peaceful relationship “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Matthew 5:44)

9 John 21:15-25 John 21:15 Jesus called him Simon and not Peter (rock).
Do you love me more than these – net, fish and boat? Love is sacrifice. Jesus had said : ‘Do you agape Me?” Peter replied using the word phileo Application How do we reply to Jesus? Agape or Phileo? Feeding the Words of God to His people

10 John 21:15-25 John 21:16 Stop and think – “Do I really mean what I just said?” Feeding and Tending Binding up the wounds Clean up Application Feeding and tending can be two different things.

11 John 21:15-25 John 21:16 Two difference Application
Not agape me, do you phileo me? Peter was grieved because Jesus down graded the love to human. Application Do we love God as God or human?

12 John 21:15-25 John 21:17 Application
How did the bystanders or disciples feel hearing this conversation? What did Jesus see in Peter? Jesus knew all things – love cares for all aspects. Application What does Jesus see in us?

13 John 21:15-25 Application John 21:18 - 19 Jesus makes a prediction
Peter was crucified upside down at this request by the wicked Roman Emperor, Nero, about A.D. 64 Love goes all the way even to death Follow me – voluntarily Love is natural and willing Application If the calling is to us today, can we follow Jesus willingly and voluntarily?

14 John 21:15-25 John 21:20 Application
The disciple whom Jesus loved – John. His own name not worthy to be preserved Application Is the name really important? Do we serve God because of the name?

15 John 21:15-25 John 21:21-22 Application Jesus has the right to choose
Mind your own business Application Our goal is to follow Jesus and not to allow other things to distract us. What are some of the road blockers?

16 John 21:15-25 John 21:23-25 Application
John wrote down everything that we need to know. Jesus was the Christ. He was the way, truth and life. Application For our lives, what are the most important things we need to know about Christ?

17 Results Love based on the Biblical teaching (John 21:15-25)
Love is sacrifice. Love cares for all aspects. Love is natural and willing. Love is unconditional. Love lasts until the end.

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