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formal charge: the charge a bonded atom would have

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1 formal charge: the charge a bonded atom would have
if all the atoms had the same electronegativity; to find it, you must first draw the Lewis structure formal charge # of v.e– in = the isolated – atom # of e– assigned to the atom in the Lewis structure all unshared e– plus half of the bonding e– When several Lewis structures are possible, the most stable is the one in which: (1) the atoms have the smallest formal charges, and (2) the (–) charges reside on the most electronegative atoms

2 Find the formal charge on each
atom in the following species. [ ] .. .. .. 2– S O SO32– .. .. .. O– S –O .. v.e– 6 6 O .. .. .. assigned e– 5 7 26 e– +1 –1 S: +1 O: –1 (N is more EN than S.) .. .. “Mr. B, tell me what the electronegativity value is.” “All right… FO NCl.” .. .. [ ] .. N–C–S .. [ ] .. [ ] NCS– N=C=S .. N–C–S .. .. .. .. 5 4 6 5 4 6 5 4 6 16 e– 7 4 5 6 4 6 5 4 7 2– 1+ 1– 1–

3 [ ] [ ] [ ] .. .. .. resonance structures: the two or more Lewis
structures that are equally correct for a species e.g., For NO3–... 24 e– [ ] N =O O– .. O [ ] N –O O= .. O [ ] N –O O– .. O Resonance structures are a blending of two or more Lewis structures. In drawing resonance structures, e–s move. Atoms don’t move.

4 Aromatic compounds are based on
resonance structures of the benzene molecule. C H C H In the interest of efficiency, benzene is often represented like this…

5 .. .. Exceptions to the Octet Rule
There are a few cases (other than for H) in which the octet rule is violated. These are: 1. particles with an odd number of valence e– -- e.g., ClO2, NO, NO2 2. atoms with less than an octet B .. F F– –F -- e.g., B, Be (24 e–) BF3 B –F F= .. F -- would require resonance -- F is WAY more EN than B and won’t share extra e– -- inconsistent w/chemical behavior

6 .. 3. atoms with more than an octet
-- this occurs when an atom gains an expanded valence shell P .. Cl Cl– –Cl PCl5 (40 e–) -- other e.g., AsF6–, ICl4–, SF4 Expanded valence shells occur only for atoms in periods > 3. -- unfilled d orbitals are involved -- large central atom = more space to accept e– pairs -- small exterior atoms = fit more easily around central atom

7 .. .. . The strengths of a molecule’s covalent bonds are
related to the molecule’s stability and the amount of energy required to break the bonds. bond enthalpy: the DH req’d to break 1 mol of a particular bond in a gaseous substance -- always + At room temp., I2 is a silver-purple solid. -- big DH = strong bond (g) I–I .. I .. (g) 2 . -- e.g., DH = +149 kJ/mol

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