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Enzyme Reaction Rates -enzymes are also known as biological catalysts

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Presentation on theme: "Enzyme Reaction Rates -enzymes are also known as biological catalysts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enzyme Reaction Rates -enzymes are also known as biological catalysts
-a catalyst is a substance that speeds up chemical reactions

2 Enzyme Reaction Rates -Several factors affect how fast enzymes work:
-These include pH, temperature, and concentration pH -Enzymes work within a limited pH range

3 Enzyme Reaction Rates Temperature
-Increasing temperature can increase enzyme reactions rates up to a point -Anything beyond the optimal temperature will slow enzyme reaction rates even to the point of denaturing (or destroying) the enzyme

4 Enzyme Reaction Rates Concentration
-Increasing the concentration increases reaction rates up to a certain point and then it will make no difference in terms of how much more is added

5 Enzyme Analysis 1. What is the optimal temperature for the “blue,” “red,” and “green” enzymes? 2. Why do you think adding more substrate seems to make less of a difference after a certain point?

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