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Team building Chapter 2.

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1 Team building Chapter 2

2 Teamwork Teamwork video clip
“TOGETHER we stand, TOGETHER we fall, TOGETHER we win, and winners take ALL.” Teamwork trouble

3 Why Use Teamwork? Reduced turnover, cost reduction, large production increases, gains in quality, improved customer service Job gets done efficiently and harmoniously Fewer interpersonal relations problems Positive effect on the physical/psychological well- being of employees Higher levels of job satisfaction/less stress

4 Disadvantages of GroupWork and Teamwork.
Time wasting: too much talk, and too little action. Pressure toward conformity: members face pressures to conform, sometimes to mediocre performance standards. Shirking of individual responsibility (social loafing): the under-motivated person can squeeze by without contributing his or her fair share to group effort.

5 Disadvantages of Group Work, concluded
Fostering of conflict: members may bicker about doing unwanted tasks; groups may develop dislike of other groups. Groupthink: judgment suffers for the sake of solidarity; an extreme form of consensus; group loses its power of critical analysis. To overcome these problems, act like a team and perform tasks that require collective effort.

6 Why use teamwork? Synergy
The interaction of two or more parts to produce greater results than the sum of the parts taken individually

7 Where does teamwork matter most?
Develop a list of jobs where you work as a team Develop a list of jobs where you work by yourself

8 Teamwork: The Employee’s Role
Be an active participant in helping the team achieve its mission Be a team builder Be open to diversity Avoid becoming part of a subgroup within the team Be honest and open in your communication – tell your thoughts, feelings, and ideas

9 Steps to building a Team
Assemble your teams Determine each member’s skills and interests Ask yourself, “What can I contribute to our group?” “What am I good at?” Pick one person to keep all of your handouts, etc.

10 Team player roles Complete “Team Player Roles” assessment by yourself

11 Team Building Activity
Spaghetti Towers

12 Boundary Breaking You are concerned with learning more about your group members Give short, honest answers You are here to listen Watch the person closely: face, hands, body, etc. Develop an idea of each person Remember: Listen, listen, listen! 

13 Boundary Breaking What did you learn about one other person?
Why is it beneficial to learn these things about each other? What was the hardest thing to share?

14 Team Poster, Slogan, and Logo
Complete a poster as a team – come up with a: team name logo (picture) slogan (saying) Be prepared to share them with the class

15 Group presentation Syllabus and Handout Service Learning site
Must have service learning project completed by ___________

16 For next week Read Chapter 3: Professional Presence and Interviewing
Rough draft of resume, cover letter, and application due Dress for success!

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