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Scale-dependence of magnetic helicity in the solar wind

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1 Scale-dependence of magnetic helicity in the solar wind
 assume isotropy to get helicity spectrum Axel Brandenburg (Nordita/Stockholm) Kandaswamy Subramanian (IUCAA, Pune) Andre Balogh (ISSI and Imperial) Melvyn Goldstein (NASA Goddard, Greenbelt) Beijing, 31 October 2013 Käpylä+12 Kemel+12 Warnecke+11 Brandenburg+13

2 Dynamo produces bi-helical field
Magnetic helicity spectrum Southern hemisphere Pouquet, Frisch, & Leorat (1976)

3 Helicity fluxes to alleviate catastrophic quenching
Brandenburg (2005, ApJ) 1046 Mx2/cycle

4 Magnetic helicity flux
EMF and resistive terms still dominant Fluxes import at large Rm ~ 1000 Rm based on kf Smaller by 2p

5 Magnetic helicity flux
Gauge-invariant in steady state! EMF and resistive terms still dominant Fluxes import at large Rm ~ 1000 Rm based on kf Smaller by 2p Del Sordo, Guerrero, Brandenburg (2013, MNRAS 429, 1686)

6 This is how it looks like…
Coronal mass ejections from helical structures This is how it looks like… Gibson et al. (2002)

7 Helicity from solar wind
Matthaeus et al. (1982) Measure correlation function In Fourier space, calculate magnetic energy and helicity spectra  Should be done with Ulysses data away from equatorial plane

8 Measure 2-point correlation tensor
Taylor hypothesis:

9 Ulysses: scaling with distance
Vector helium magnetometer 2 sec resolution 10 pT sensitivity (0.1 mG) * Fairly isotropic * Falls off faster than R-2 * Need to compensate before R averaging Power similar to US consumption Energy density similar to ISM

10 Noisy helicity from Ulysses
Taylor hypothesis Roundish spectra Southern latitude with opposite sign Positive H at large k Brandenburg, Subramanian, Balogh, Goldstein (2011, ApJ 734, 9)

11 Bi-helical fields from Ulysses
Taylor hypothesis Broad k bins Southern latitude with opposite sign Small/large distances Positive H at large k Break point with distance to larger k

12 Latitudinal scaling and trend
Antisymmetric about equator Decline toward minum

13 Comparison Helicity LS SS + - Dynamo Solar wind
Southern hemisphere Field in solar wind is clearly bi-helical ...but not as naively expected Need to compare with direct and mean-field simulations Recap of dynamo bi-helical fields Helicity LS SS Dynamo + - Solar wind

14 Shell dynamos with ~CMEs
Warnecke, Brandenburg, Mitra (2011, A&A, 534, A11) Strong fluctuations, but positive in north

15 Dynamos with exterior  CMEs?
Warnecke, Brandenburg, Mitra (2011, A&A, 534, A11)

16 To carry negative flux: need positive gradient
Brandenburg, Candelaresi, Chatterjee (2009, MNRAS 398, 1414) Sign reversal makes sense!

17 Conclusions Magnetic helicity measurable High latitudes ( Ulysses)
Expect bi-helical Bi-helical fields in dynamo & solar wind + sign in wind by turbulent diffusion also found in CME-like simulations

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