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12/12/14 Discussion Questions  

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1 12/12/14 Discussion Questions Using textbook pages to help you (read over them carefully), please complete this dihybrid punnett square: BbSs x BbSs B=blue b = green S= shiny s = dull

2 Discussion Questions BbSs x BbSs B=blue b = green S= shiny s = dull
12/12/14 Discussion Questions BbSs x BbSs B=blue b = green S= shiny s = dull Phenotypic ratios 9:3:3:1 9 blue shiny 3 green shiny 3 blue dull 1 green dull

3 Reminders Root quiz 12-17-14 Exam 12-18-14 (chapters 10 & 11)
Pick up your science fair project today please Go to room 1135 Tues or Thurs for Science Peer Tutoring during PLC

4 Today’s Objective: Objective: Identify and describe the stages and purpose of Meiosis as related to Genetics and Heredity. Review Mendel’s discoveries and simple Mendelian Genetics with monohybrid punnett squares and dihybrid punnett squares. Understand and explain NonMendelian inheritance patterns such as codominance and incomplete dominance and how to complete and use pedigrees in genetic studies


6 Pedigrees ppt 6

7 Pedigrees

8 Pedigrees are used to: Determine whether a trait is inherited
Show how a trait is passed from one generation to the next To determine if an allele is dominant or recessive

9 Symbols: Female Male

10 Connecting Symbols: Married Couple Siblings

11 Generations I II III

12 Symbols: Affected Carrier Deceased

13 Sex-linked: Sex-linked issues…
Are caused by genes located on X or Y chromosome More common in males since they have only 1 X chromosome; females more often carriers Female must have 2 recessive genes for trait to occur

14 Karyotypes To look for nondisjunction (chromosomes fail to separate) or other genetic disorders

15 Karyotypes To look for nondisjunction (chromosomes fail to separate) or other genetic disorders

16 Accessing Genetic Disorders
Analyzing pedigrees Genetic counseling Prenatal testing

17 Pedigree Practice Problems
If time remains

18 Exit Ticket 1. Please describe the purpose of meiosis.
2. What are homologous chromosomes? 3. Please describe Mendel’s research 4. Please compare monohybrid and dihybrid crosses

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