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General Education Literature Orientation 2014 Annmarie Steffes

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1 General Education Literature Orientation 2014 Annmarie Steffes
Digital Assignments General Education Literature Orientation 2014 Annmarie Steffes

2 Amaranth Borsuk, Between Page and Screen

3 Amaranth Borsuk, Between Page and Screen

4 Born Magazine:

5 Electronic Literature:

6 MLA’s 2013 Electronic Literature Panel:

7 Angels in America Tumblr Assignment
Assignment: Is literature becoming obsolete in today’s digital world? What specifically does it mean to study literature in this 140-character world? This assignment might not answer those questions, but its goal is to at least encourage you to translate literature into the realm of digital media. For this assignment, you will become production designers of Tony Kushner’s Angels in America. In groups of three, you will create a digital bulletin board on Tumblr that considers what one scene might look like in production. Your tumblr should include at least 15 posts including audio, video, picture files that consider the set design, costumes, staging, delivery of lines, physical movements, casting, lighting, and sound. When considering these component parts, you will want to do a close reading of the scene, determining what major themes and conflicts occur at this point in the play, and will want to stress those literary analyses into your artistic choices. Successful projects will 1) have a coherent vision behind them and 2) be as creative as possible. I don’t expect you to have technological know-how about everything, but you should be able to use your smartphones and computers to record, tape, and find material. You might want to film a brief staging of the scene with your partners, record line readings, or take pictures of locations that inspire you. Of course, you can use items already available on the Internet, but better projects will include more of your own original contributions. Any scene is up for grabs, but consult with me when you have chosen; I will not want two groups working on the same scene.

8 Angels in America Tumblr Assignment Example

9 “Interpretation Project”

10 Other options Class blogs Facebook pages Twitter accounts Class wikis

11 Be careful of: Irrelevant assignments Vague assignment outcomes
Not requiring them to use 3rd party software

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