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2015-2016 Regional Meeting Closing Remarks.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 Regional Meeting Closing Remarks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Meeting Closing Remarks

2 Kentucky 2015-2016 Fraternal Year Plan
Goal Number 1 Jurisdiction in the Order

3 Supreme Quotas 2015-2016 Quota Goal - #1 Current Intake 570 798 90
Net Net/Net ** RCIA Star Councils New Council Roundtables Reactivations/Mergers ** A net/net of should give us 9001 associate members and a second At-Large Delegate

4 Finally Remember 1. First Last and Always we are about the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. 2. Develop a Good Program and use it to drive membership. 3. We Recruit to insure survival of the Order. 4. Your State Officers and District Deputies are there to help whenever you need it. Drive safely and I will see you on December 4th, 5th and 6th in Lexington at the Sheraton Four Points. Thank You and God Bless you for All You Do.

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