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Thesis Statements Start with a topic

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1 Thesis Statements Start with a topic
Read the prompt or create a question on your own Answer the prompt/question in a general, yet still clear, manner that can be expanded upon in an essay. This is making a claim or setting a purpose. Decide what three points will prove your claim or purpose. Don’t go into too much detail, just outline three points. Then you have a thesis!

2 Topic: Measles Question: Is the 2014 measles outbreak a serious issue? Thesis: The 2014 measles outbreak has become a devastating and problematic issue. Main Points Map: Measles began to spread due to unvaccinated individuals in certain locations, the symptoms and complications are extremely dangerous, but the government is trying to help solve the problem.

3 The Main Points Map becomes the topics of your 3 body paragraphs
1st Body Paragraph- Measles began to spread due to unvaccinated individuals in certain locations 2nd Body Paragraph- The symptoms and complications are extremely dangerous 3rd Body Paragraph- The government is trying to help solve the problem.

4 All 3 Points work together to Prove your Thesis
The three points in your main idea map work together to prove the claim made in your thesis: The 2014 measles outbreak has become a devastating and problematic issue.

5 You can do the same thing for a story
Topic: Rumpelstiltskin by The Brothers Grimm Question: Is Rumpelstiltskin a good or bad person? Thesis: In the story Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin appears to be quite evil, but he truly is a good person. Main Points Map: Rumpelstiltskin proves he is a good person by offering help to a young girl in a horrible situation, he is willing to bargain with her when she is unwilling to fulfill the end of an agreement she made with him, and he honors his word with every deal he makes throughout the story.

6 OR…argue the opposite side
Topic: Rumpelstiltskin by The Brothers Grimm Question: Is Rumpelstiltskin a good or bad person? Thesis: In the story Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin is a diabolically evil creature. Main Points Map: Rumpelstiltskin proves he is an evil creature when he manipulates the maiden by refusing to help her in a desperate situation unless she makes unreasonable deals, he is only willing to bargain with her when he knows he will be the one to benefit, and he depicts extreme self- control and anger problems when he is does not get his way.

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