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The Christmas Appeal gives families struggling to escape violence, poverty and natural disaster, the help they need.

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Presentation on theme: "The Christmas Appeal gives families struggling to escape violence, poverty and natural disaster, the help they need."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Christmas Appeal gives families struggling to escape violence, poverty and natural disaster, the help they need.


3 “Leave No One Behind”

4 To people on the frontline of climate change.

5 To people in need of peace and a decent livelihood.

6 To people displaced by war and hunger.

7 To people seeking gender justice.

8 To people wanting a fair share.

9 “Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. ” Phil

10 With your gifts and prayers we can make sure no one is left behind.

11 Please support the Christmas Appeal.

12 Thank you and Happy Christmas!

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