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Emotional Intelligence

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1 Emotional Intelligence
By: Dr. Chintamani Yogi

2 IQ = knowing. EQ = Feeling. SQ = Enjoying.

3 IQ = Dealing with issues.
EQ = Dealing with Relations. SQ = Dealing with Higher Purpose of life.

4 IQ = Brain based. EQ = Heart based. SQ = Soul based.

5 IQ = Clever/analytic EQ = Clear/understanding SQ = Calm/knowing

6 IQ = Material Progress EQ = Progress + Happiness SQ = Bliss

7 IQ = Analyzing about issues.
EQ = Feeling about issues SQ = Knowing or being

8 IQ = Information based. EQ = Motivation based. SQ = Transformation based.

9 IQ = Left side of brain is more active.
EQ = Right side of brain is more active. SQ = Both sides are active, balanced and awakened.

10 IQ = सफल बन्ने । EQ = सफल बन्ने + असल बन्ने । SQ = सफल बन्ने + असल बन्ने + शान्त बन्ने ।


12 Transformation combination of minds
!= j}1flgs duh -Scientific Mind_ @= cfWoflTds x[bo -Spiritual Heart_

13 Few Questions Educated or Enlightened? Smart or Sincere?
Competitive or Cooperative? Successful or Peaceful? Connection or Relation? Making Decision or making Right Decision?

14 Few Questions Emotions should be suppressed or understood? Controlled or Balanced? Same schooling but different result; Why? Same family but different production; Why? Conflict of logical mind and Emotional mind? Children are Emotional?; Youths are Practical?; Elders are Puzzled?.

15 Positive Emotions= Negative Emotions=
Love, Happiness, Compassion, Empathy…... Negative Emotions= Hatred, Jealousy, Fear Anxiety, Anger

16 Few Points Sentiments are good but becoming sentimental is bad.
Being Sensitive is good but becoming over Sensitive is bad. Intellectually we are different but emotionally we are same. Problems are situation based and Emotion based.

17 Few Points Transformations can happen through only Positive Emotions and Attitude. Attitude can be changed if Emotions are changed. Behavior can be changed if Emotions are changed. Learning is good, understanding is better and realizing is best.

18 How to build up Right Emotions?
Satwic food Satsanga Sadhana Self-study

19 Daivi Sampada= Divine attributes
अभयं सत्वसंशुद्धिः ज्ञानयाेगव्यवस्थितिः । दानं दमश्च यज्ञश्च स्वाध्यायस्तप आर्जवम् ।। Aasuri Sampada= Non divine attributes दम्भाे दर्पाेsभिमानश्च क्राेधः पारुष्यमेव च । अज्ञानं चाभिजातस्य पार्थ सम्पदमासुरीम् ।।

20 Anna-maya Kosha. Prana-maya Kosha. Mano-maya Kosha. Vigyana-maya Kosha. Aananda-maya Kosha.

21 बाैद्धिकता, हार्दिकता, आध्यात्मिकता ।
मलम लगाउ आर्तहरुकाे चहराइरहेकाे घाउ । भाव हाे भगवन्, भाव हाे पूजा । भाव नै भक्ति, कर्म र ज्ञान । भावले बन्छ जीवन हाम्रो । सफल र सार्थक जीवन राम्रो ।। मन मे रहिणां, भेद न कहिणां, बाेलिबा अमृत वाणी । अगिला अग्नि हाेइबा अवधू, आपण हाेइबा पाणि ।। मनले नै बन्धन मनले नै मुक्ति , भित्रै अनन्त जीवनकाे शक्ति ।

22 भावे हि विद्यते देवः न पाषाणे न मृण्मये ।
इन्द्रियाणि पराण्याहुः, इन्द्रियेभ्यः परं मनः । मनसस्तु परा बुद्धिर्याे बुद्धे परतस्तु सः ।। नहि वेरेण वेराणि सम्मन्तीह कुदाचन । अवेरेण च सम्मन्ती एष धम्माे सनन्तन: । प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमन स्वस्थ इत्यभिधीयते ।

23 A man is the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes
A man is the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes. – Gandhi You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. – Buddha Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. -Shakespeare No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. – Einstein Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. – Carl Jung

24 Dr Chintamani Yogi Founding principal – Hindu Vidyapeeth-Nepal
Founding Chairperson – Peace Service Center Patron – Youth Society for Peace Nepal Founder – Society for value Education Senior Member – Goraksha Nath Sewa Sangh Chairperson – Nepal Interfaith Movement Post Box : 6807 Phone: / Mobile:

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