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1.1 – Biological Macromolecules

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1 1.1 – Biological Macromolecules
Unit 1 - Biochemistry 1.1 – Biological Macromolecules

2 Warm-up What is an atom? Define and draw a model.

3 Molecules Groups of atoms bonded together
Macromolecule (macro = big) – a large molecule formed by bonding smaller molecules together Also called Polymer (poly = many and meros = part)

4 Biological Polymers (macromolecules)
Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

5 Carbohydrates (Carbs)
Carbs are sugars (saccharides)! Complex or Simple Used for (short-term) ENERGY! Made of C, H, and O (CH2O)n n= the number of carb monomers (single molecule) in a chain A chain of 3-7 are monosaccharides (simple sugars) such as glucose (-ose means sugar) Two monosaccharides linked together make a disaccharide (sucrose, lactose) More monosaccharides linked together makes a polysaccharide (glycogen) and are complex sugars



8 Lipids (FAT! YUM) Mostly C, O, and some H Oil, fat, wax
Stores ENERGY! (long-term) Triglyceride is solid at room temp Oil is liquid at room temp Hydrophobic = won’t dissolve in water

9 Polarity - Why won’t oil and water mix?
Oxygen has more positive protons than Hydrogen Electrons in H spend more time near the bigger, more positive O Makes O more negatively charged in the molecule This creates a polar molecule Not all molecules are polar Polar molecules only mix with other polar molecules

10 Saturated and Unsaturated
It depends on the tail! Saturated has all H spots filled – no room for more Unsaturated has empty spots for H so it has a double C bond causing a kink in the tail Polyunsaturated has many double bonds causing a ‘kinky tail’


12 Phospholipid Makes up cell membrane Serves as a barrier

13 Steroids Aren’t just drugs to get swol – they’re important for us all!
Includes cholesterol and some hormones

14 Proteins Made up of compounds called amino acids (C,N,O,H, and sometimes S) – the building blocks of proteins All depends on who the central C bonds with 20 different possibilities of amino acids Amino acids combine to form over 10,000 different proteins Makes up about 15% of your body mass Muscles, skin, hair, nails, and more are all made of proteins Transport substances in and between cells


16 Nucleic Acids Complex macromolecules that store or transmit genetic information DNA and RNA Made of repeating Nucleotides (C,N,O,P,H) Nucleotides are made of 3 monomers: Phosphate group Nitrogenous base Ribose sugar


18 Why is this an inaccurate picture of nutrition?

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