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Causes of the Revolution

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1 Causes of the Revolution

2 Welcome to North Ridge Township!
I am your QUEEN and I have instituted the SCHOOL TAX ACT. EFFECTIVE TODAY!!!!! Please take 5 tickets as a gift from your noble queen! DO NOT open your bag, nor sharpen your pencil until further notice. Each ticket represents 5 minutes of electronics time that may be purchased tomorrow. 

3 North Ridge Township School Tax Act
Taking effect October , 201, students will have to pay the following taxes: Sit in your chair = 2 tickets Sharpen your pencil = 1 ticket Get something out of your bag = 2 tickets Ask a question = 1 ticket Leave the classroom = 2 tickets Kleenex = 2 tickets (per sheet) Leaving your seat = 1 ticket (each time) Off task behaviors = 1 ticket If treason occurs, students will be fined!

4 Jump Start Get out your Roots of Representative Government readings and Chart from Friday Take the first 5 minutes to fill in the required information We will briefly review this when the timer goes off

5 Causes of the Revolution
Things we have seen so far…

6 Mercantlism Economic theory that says a nations wealth depends on the amount of gold it has Raw materials were exported from colonies in order for Britain to make a profit Cash crops such as lumber, grain, tobacco, etc. Colonies were established to benefit the mother country (Britain)…not for the colonists’ benefit

7 French and Indian War England vs. France
England won  received all lands east of the Mississippi River, except new Orleans. BUT the war left England in huge debt…

8 Colonists could not settle west of the red line 
Proclamation of 1763 Colonists could not settle west of the red line 

9 New Taxes Increase Conflict
Conflict with Indians was not the only problem Britain was dealing with How were they going to pay off the debt from the French and Indian War? Citizens in England were already overtaxed The government decided that the colonists should start paying their fair share

10 Causes of the Revolution Stations
Blue -> Green ->Yellow ->Red Causes of the Revolution Stations You will be rotating between 4 different stations At each there is an excerpt and a video clip When you arrive at each station: Step 1: Identify which station you are at and make sure you are recording information in that stations box on your paper Step 2: Read the provided excerpt with your group Step 3: Summarize the Act/Tax Step 4: Watch the short video clip. Step 5: Write the effects/colonial reaction of the Act/Tax

11 Causes of the Revolution Stations
Blue -> Green ->Yellow ->Red Causes of the Revolution Stations You will be rotating between 4 different stations At each there is an excerpt and a video clip When you arrive at each station: Step 1: Identify which station you are at and make sure you are recording information in that stations box on your paper Step 2: Read the provided excerpt with your group Step 3: Summarize the Act/Tax and provide the year Step 4: Watch the short video clip. Step 5: Create a ranking for the colonial or British reaction based on the reading. Step 6: Explain why you chose that ranking for either the Colonists or the British.

12 Taxation Without Representation: SUGAR ACT (1764)
SUMMARY Taxed sugar, molasses, and other products EFFECT: Colonists began smuggling Upset not having a trial by jury if they were caught

13 Taxation Without Representation: STAMP ACT (1765)
SUMMARY required colonists to buy a stamp for every piece of paper they used EFFECT Colonists boycotted British goods Protested the tax

14 Taxation Without Representation: QUARTERING AND TOWNSHEND ACTS (1765)
Quartering Act Townshend Acts SUMMARY Required colonists to provide shelter and supplies to British troops stationed in their towns EFFECT Protests SUMMARY Taxed popular goods that the colonists imported from Britain glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea EFFECT Protests Organized the Sons of Liberty Created works of literature to circulate in the colonies

15 Jump Start On Level: Get out your Cause and Effect Chain from your folder Pre-AP: Have out your Unrest-O-Meter Complete the following sentence for Thursday: “No ____________ without _____________.” The colonists used tactics such as ____________ to show their disapproval of these measures.

16 What do you see? List all objects and people you
see. Be careful NOT to infer. Just list things you see. Also think, what would you hear or smell if you were there?

17 What do you think? What is the approximate date?
Where might this have happened? What do you think is happening? Be sure to provide proof for each inference!

18 What can you infer from evidence?
Why were the soldiers shooting? Why were the citizens gathered together? Did the soldiers want to shoot or were they ordered? Will the soldiers get into trouble? Be sure to provide proof for each inference!

19 Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 British troops vs. citizens of Boston
A mob of Patriots antagonized British troops, who were quartered in Boston British troops panicked and fired 5 people killed, 10 injured Samuel Adams deemed this a “horrid massacre” Contributed to colonial anger


21 Jump start – 10/23/15 Think of our discussion yesterday about the Boston Massacre. Do you think the British soldiers went too far? Why or why not? Justify your response.


23 Image Analysis Today you will be comparing and contrasting two images of the Boston Massacre. Image #1 and Image #4 Step 1: Use images #1 and #4 to answer the questions in the chart. Step 2: Once the chart is completed, turn your paper over and answer the questions that follow. YOU MAY WORK WITH A PARTNER.

24 Boston Tea Party A protest against the Tea Act of 1773
Made British tea cheaper than the foreign tea the colonists were smuggling On Dec. 16, 1773, the Sons of Liberty dressed as Indians and dumped British tea into Boston harbor Sons of Liberty- secret society, led by Samuel Adams, that were opposed to British policies 342 packages=45 tons= over $1 million today

25 Intolerable Acts Passed to punish the Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party Closed the port of Boston until they paid for the destroyed tea Suspended the government of Massachusetts Sent more troops to enforce the new law Instead of giving in, the colonists banded even closer together Virginia called for a Congress to discuss a solution to the conflict with Britain

26 First Continental Congress
In September of 1774, delegates met from all of the colonies Agreed to send a message to King George urging him to consider their complaints Called for a boycott of British goods until Intolerable Acts were repealed Planned to meet again in seven months Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia

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