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Registration for SPRING 2019

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1 Registration for SPRING 2019
November 26th-December 7th

2 Registration schedule
Registration Period: November 26– December 7 Add/Drop Period: January 14– January 25 AUCA offices will be open for your convenience: Academic Advising (341); Registrar (110), Shared Service Center (244), Admission (G20)

3 Tuition Tuition for the Academic year should be paid according to your personal payment schedule. See Shared Services Center - Room 244 for questions or concerns.

4 Checklist Every Freshman student is given a Checklist by the Major department during Orientation Week. Please ask your Department Office Manager for a Checklist if you do not have one. You can also find Checklists on website under each department Before each Registration period, follow your Checklist independently and see your Advisor if you have questions.

5 Number of Credits Regular credit load: 30 credits
3 additional credits are given (tuition free) in the second, third, and fourth year of study Total: 240 credits in 4 years

6 Auditing Audits are beneficial for students who want to explore courses outside their majors, or those who are interested in courses that may require extraordinary effort to complete during the same semester as their compulsory major courses. 6 audit credits - not required but possible; If you select a course with available audit seats, it means you may audit the course. If Online Registration does not allow you to register for a course with an audit status, this course is not available for audit. For more information, please visit:

7 Pre-Requisites Check PRE-REQUISITES for each class
Pre-requisites: courses required before taking more advanced courses in an area of study For example: cannot take FYS 211 before FYS 100 For Example: Psychology 101 required before taking Psychology 250 Fail PSY 101? You cannot advance to PSY 250

8 List of Classes for SPRING 2019
The current semester List of Classes is posted on the AUCA website at the bottom of the Registrar webpage. Look for SPRING 2019 Registration.

9 First Year Seminar FYS I is offered ONLY in Fall semester.
Students who fail FYS I (receive an ‘F’ grade), must register for FYS I in Fall 2019. FYS II is offered ONLY in Spring semester. Students who fail FYS II, must register for FYS II in Spring 2020. Failing either FYS I or II (24 credits each) prevents you from continuing through your academic schedule smoothly in regards to the SYS requirement in Sophomore year. Please seek support from Academic Advising, WARC, Counseling Services, your family or your peers if you are struggling. For fall 2012 students were preregistered for FYS and major classes.

10 Second Year Seminar Second Year Seminar (SYS) is a Liberal Arts based continuation of the First Year Seminar. It is a requirement. SYS courses are interdisciplinary in nature yet focused enough to fulfill General Education requirements. For example: “Technology and Culture,” CODE: HUM/ART/SYS

11 Math Requirements According to the AUCA/BARD requirements, all students must take 12 credits (two 6 credit courses) of MATH to earn a Bard diploma. Students from Applied Math, BA, ECO, EMSD (in LAS) and SFW should NOT take General Education math courses. These majors will fulfill MATH requirements as part of their program checklist.

12 Math Requirements The General Education Department offers the following MATH courses that fulfill one of the Gen Ed Requirements: Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics I* Professor Musuralieva, Webb – language of instruction is English Professor Atamanov – language of instruction is Russian Introduction to Probability and Statistics Professor Musuralieva – language of instruction is English Math for Life I Professor Musuralieva -language of instruction is English *Please pay attention to the language of instruction

13 Math Requirements First year students in ANTH, ES, IBL, ICP, JMC, LAS, PSY, SOC, TV, GEO departments who want to transfer to BA should enroll in Introduction to Contemporary Mathematic I. To be eligible to transfer, students must receive a final grade of B+ or higher. First year students in ANTH, ES, IBL, ICP, JMC, LAS, PSY, SOC, TV, GEO departments who want to transfer to ECO, AMI or SFW should enroll in Linear Algebra and Geometry for ECO/AMI or SFW course.

14 Math courses Students from PSY, SOC, JMC and VAFT departments should take Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Freshman or Sophomore year. This prepares students an advanced quantitative math course in Junior year. The Junior year quantitative math course fulfills the second math requirement.

15 Math Requirements Students from ANTH, ES, ICP, JMC, LAS departments who DO NOT want to transfer to BA, ECO, AMI or SFW should take two of the following courses: a) Math for Life I b) Introduction to Probability and Statistics c) Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics I

16 Russian and Kyrgyz Students should take 6 credits of Kyrgyz Language (Literature) course AND 6 credits of Russian Language course. Total 12 credits

17 Russian and Kyrgyz There are double counted courses: ART/RUS, ART/KYR, HIST/RUS, HIST/KYR, etc. If you see a course with a double code you can fulfill two requirements with the same course. Example: taking course “Echo of The Past: Soviet Sci-Fi in Film” with code RUS/ART fulfills the Russian language requirement and Art requirement. (6 credits of Russian and 6 credits of Art). Please pay attention to the level of language required to succeed in the course. The level will be indicated.

18 Foreign Languages Japanese (part I and II), Korean (part I), Chinese (part I) are offered in FALL In Spring 2019 students continue taking part II of the selected language. German, French, and Spanish (part I, II, Advanced) are offered in Fall In Spring 2019 students continue taking part II of the selected language. If a student wants to take an Intermediate level course (as Part I), s/he must first take a test at European Studies department.

19 Language Course Policy
AUCA policy states that if a student earns (6) credits for one (Fall) semester of a language but does not take (6) credits of the same language the second (Spring) semester in that academic year, the grade and 6 credits will be removed from the student’s transcript. A student will loose: CREDITS, TIME,MONEY

20 Bard College Diploma Most majors earn a Bard College diploma upon graduation. BA & IBL majors must earn additional credits for BARD certificate: 6 credits Social Science 12 credits Art 12 credits Math courses 12 credits Humanities courses IBL students might have an opportunity to receive BARD College diploma majoring in Human Rights. For detailed information please contact the head of the IBL program Elida Nogoibaeva.

21 Sport class 400 hours required for degree Non-credit requirement
100 hours per semester (4 semesters) Non-credit requirement ONLY one Sport class per semester Registering for two or more Sport classes is NOT ALLOWED Do not wait until the last days of Registration to drop an extra SPORT class. Fellow students are trying to Register for classes that appear full. NON PASS grade for a Sport class requires payment for a 5th semester / additional Sport class – $200 fee.

22 Sport class Taking a sport outside the university or have a health issue (not allowed to take sports)? Sign up for SPORT: ID 3558; SPO-128.1 Provide a certificate/medical document to General Education Division, Room 315 to have the hours count on transcript Deadline: Monday, April 22nd 2019 (GenEd, Rm 315)

23 Individual courses for SPRING 2019
Individual music courses are offered for an additional fee of $135 and count as 2 credits. Submit an application to the department chair for consideration Individual music courses include: Singing Piano

24 History of Kyrgyzstan and Geography
History of Kyrgyzstan and Geography should be taken during Sophomore year only. Students are required to take a state exam at the end of Sophomore year and History of Kyrgyzstan course increases success.

25 Add/Drop period Monday, January 14th to Friday, January 25th
During the first two weeks of classes, students may attend classes and drop or add classes in order to design a successful academic plan for the semester. Please remember that adding and dropping courses can disrupt a professor’s course schedule and the learning of fellow students. Choose wisely.

26 SPRING 2019 deadline for “W” grade is March 30th, 2019.
To withdraw (“W” grade) from a class, deadline is always the 10th week of the semester: SPRING 2019 deadline for “W” grade is March 30th, 2019. Reasons for taking “W” grade: Your GPA is in serious danger (there is high risk of getting an “F”). You’re just plain overwhelmed and need to adjust your schedule. Read about this grade option and it fits with a successful academic plan. If you decide to take a “W” grade, please print out the W form in advance and have department head sign it before submitting it to Shared Services Center, Room 244. W form link:

27 Academic and Department Advising
Academic Advising, Third floor, Room 341 IBL, LAS, SFW, AMI, GEO have department advisors Be responsible with your Online Registration Please visit Academic Advising or your Department Office Manager with questions

28 WARC – Tutoring Resource
WARC – Writing and Academic Resource Center One-on-one tutoring for all students Areas of tutoring: Writing: short and long research paper, essay, statement of purpose, motivation letter, etc. Mathematics Economics Financial Accounting Programming WARC, Room 228 WARC Hours: Monday – Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. To make an appointment:

29 Counseling Services Counseling Services are free and available to all registered AUCA students seeking direction and support with personal, family, developmental and academic-related problems. Students are encouraged to discuss feelings and learn how to manage stress and new relationships. Please feel free to contact our trained counselors at AUCA: Rustam Ismailov, Psychologist Diana Pokhilko, Psychologist To set up a meeting write an

30 Friendly Reminders Check your AUCA to avoid missing important information – deadlines, course changes, updated policies and important announcements. Update your phone and contact information right away so we can reach you. Avoid a call to your family. Course Evaluations – available online and required from all students at the end of each semester. Updated academic rules and polices can be found online, at Registrar’s web page:

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