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Dance and Pipe Consolidation

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1 Dance and Pipe Consolidation
Notes for the facilitator of this learning. First review this ppt. Ensure you are happy to share the quiz questions and have a prize for the winner. Consider together the reflective questions on this ppt and discuss how you will now ensure that DANCE is used regularly with clients. Use the 3 coding sheets to consider how you would give feedback to each client, using some skills practice, then plan PIPE activities to address areas of growth or enhancement.

2 DANCE was created to: Focus on core FNP care-giving competencies and behaviours. To improve outcomes for families Capitalise on the unique opportunity that FN’s have to view the care-giver / child relationship in natural settings over the course of a family’s participation in the programme.

3 Cont. Guide developmentally appropriate observation of care-giving behaviours Provide FN’s with information and resources that will readily support their work with families around the promotion of competent care-giving And, it fits beautifully with PIPE……… DANCE fits beautifully with PIPE as you can use the DANCE STEPS to translate the findings from your assessment into targeted interventions to focus on identified areas for growth which will in turn help towards promoting responsive and sensitive care-giving and it’s associated positive outcomes for children.

4 Quiz Time……… Note down your answers to the following questions about the DANCE Behaviours.

5 Naturalistic and objective
A key strength of DANCE is the client does not know the actual time she is being observed. To help the client in a robust way it is important that observations and documentation is objective. A key way of doing this is to use percentages and frequencies.

6 Take 10 mins to discuss how you are using percentages and frequencies.
What helps you? Share together what internal strategies you have developed to calculate your percentages. What frequency and duration words do you use?

7 Coding DANCE As you think about DANCE coding, reflect on your current process for determining percentages and frequencies Build on the knowledge gained since completing DANCE Fundamentals and coding during home visits

8 Cont. The calculation of percentages is based on your knowledge of the DANCE behaviours as well as your skill of objective observation Narratives (written comments) are a summary of your observations They should concisely capture when each behaviour is and is not present The narrative comments provide justification for your codes The narrative comments should align with your codes Narratives are an important part of ‘saying’ and ‘calculating’ what you see in the dyad.

9 Frequency, Intensity, Duration
Frequency words capture how often things are occurring Duration words capture how long things occur Use these words consistently throughout the DANCE coding sheet in your narrative comments Ensure you select words to use that capture a full range of frequency and duration When used together in your narrative documentation, frequency words will tell you how often a behaviour is occurring while duration words tell you how long a caregiver or child action is lasting. Frequency and duration words are used together to determine a percent of time that a behaviour is occurring.

10 Cont. When used together in your narrative documentation, frequency words will tell you how often a behaviour is occurring while duration words tell you how long a caregiver or child action is lasting. Frequency and duration words are used together to determine a percent of time that a behaviour is occurring.

11 Cont. Ensure that your narrative comments and codes align e.g. always = 100%, never = 0% If you comment that the behaviour is usually present, then your code should reflect this higher proportion of time If you comment that the behaviour is present some of the time then your code should reflect this proportion of time to be a mid-range percentage Think together of some of the words you use to exemplify how much of the time you see a behaviour occurring.

12 Cont. Use the table to help solidify the words to describe the frequency and percentages. You can use words included in the table below or add the words that have meaning for you. Example Percentages Constantly, Throughout, Always, Consistently 100% Usually, Almost Always 90-99% Frequently, Most of the time ~75% At times, Sometimes, Half the time ~50% Occasionally, Periodically, Infrequently ~25% Rarely, Minimally, Brief 1-10% Never, None 0%

13 Refining You may also use symbols, like a + or – sign in addition to your selected words to further refine the percentage of time. Words Percentages Constantly, Throughout, Always, Consistently 100% Frequently, Usually, Most of the Time Usually = 75% Usually+ = % Usually- = 65-70% 75% At times, Sometimes, Half the time Sometimes = 50% Sometimes+ = 55-60% Sometimes- = 40-45% 50% Rarely, Infrequently, Occasionally, Several brief times Rarely = 25% Rarely+ = 30-35% Rarely- = 5-20% 25% Never, None 0%

14 Identify the Baseline You can often get a sense of a caregiver’s style (or “baseline”) in the first 30 seconds or so of an observation— Overall, does the caregiver have many Areas of Strength (higher codes with more proportion of time that behaviours are occurring) OR —Overall, does the caregiver have more Areas for Growth (lower codes/proportion of time that the behaviours are occurring)

15 Giving the client feedback
What’s been challenging about giving feedback? What has helped? What has been successful? What’s lost if you don’t give honest feedback?

16 Planning Your Intervention
Look at the completed coding sheets and identify the behaviours you would want to target and why? Use the DANCE STEPS to decide which PIPE topics you would use with this client and why? Plan how you would give feedback, what words would you use? What materials may help you? Review the three coding sheets of different clients. In pairs plan their PIPE topic based upon the coding sheet by identifying areas for strength, enhancement and growth. They will need to use the DANCE STEPS for this exercise. Ask them to plan how they would give feedback, what messages are they trying to convey to the client, what facilitators and materials could help them with this? IE DANCE cards, facilitators, what does my baby say etc.

17 Say one thing you will do in the next 2 weeks to progress your use of DANCE in practice.

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