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We-Fu Chang, Wei-Ping Pan

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1 We-Fu Chang, Wei-Ping Pan
Self-interacting Asymmetric Dark Matter’s Accumulation and Annihilation in the Sun Hello everyone, I am glad to have a chance to give a talk. My topic is self-interacting asymmetric DM`s accumulation and annihilation in the Sun and the work is assisted by Prof. We-fu Chang and Dr. Wei-Ping Pan. Chen-Hsun Chan, We-Fu Chang, Wei-Ping Pan The 4th International Workshop on Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Matter-antimatter NCTS

2 Outline Introduction DM accumulation in the Sun
Additional neutrinos form DM Annihilation Conclusion Here is my outline. I will briefly introduce our topic. And then talk about DM accumulation and annihilation. And finally summarize our work.

3 Outline Introduction DM accumulation in the Sun
Additional Neutrinos from DM Annihilation Conclusion

4 Introduction DM wind DM DM DM DM DM Neutrino Neutrino DM ~230 m/s
Ok, so… Because of the relative velocity between the Sun and the DM in the Galaxy, the DM will keep colliding with the matter in the Sun and be captured by the solar gravitational potential. And with this accumulated DM, we may detect the signal of DM from its annihilation products, such as neutrinos. This kind of effect in the asymmetric DM case has been studied in this paper. However, they didnt consider the DM self-interaction, which was introduced to explain the cusp problem. Captured by the gravitational potential In the rest frame of the Sun DM K. Murase and I. M. Shoemaker, “Detecting Asymmetric Dark Matter in the Sun with Neutrinos,” Phys. Rev. D 94, no. 6, (2016) [arXiv: [hep-ph]]

5 Introduction Self-interacting asymmetric dark matter (ADM)
DM self-interaction was introduced to explain the core/cusp problem, which is constrained in: The asymmetry between the number of DM and anti-DM is parameterized by the fractional asymmetry: χ So in our work, we focus on self-interacting ADM. We assume DM can elastic scatter with itself, where the cross section is constrained in this range. And then, we introduce the fractional asymmetry which means the ratio of the abundance between 2 DM species.

6 Introduction Assumption:
The interaction between DM and Standard model(SM) particle ( ) DM annihilation in channel constrained by the relic density χ SM To analyze how can affect our results, we also set Next we assume the interaction between DM and SM particles for the DM accumulation. We use the constraint of the cross section sigma chi p obtained by the direct detection. However, we also include our result with sigma chi p equal to 0 in order to analyze how the value of sigma chi p can affect our results. Last, we assume DM can self-annihilate to neutrino pairs. The annihilation rate is constrained by the relic density.

7 Outline Introduction DM accumulation in the Sun
Additional Neutrinos from DM Annihilation Conclusion

8 DM accumulation Evolution equation: Captured rate by DM-DM
The evolution equation of DM accumulation is shown here. The Cc means the captured rate coefficient by interaction between DM and SM particle, and the Ce is the evaporation rate coefficient by interaction between DM and SM. Cs is the captured rate coefficient by DM self-interaction, and Cse is the evaporation rate coefficient by DM self-interaction. And the last one, Ca is the DM annihilation rate coefficient. Captured rate by DM-DM Captured rate by DM-SM Annihilation rate Evaporation rate by DM-SM Evaporation rate by DM-DM

9 DM accumulation Time evolution:
In these two pictures, we can see the time evolution of DM accumulation. The number of anti-DM will finally saturate, while the number of DM would not in high mass region.

10 DM accumulation At present time:
The DM number at present time is shown here. We can see the DM number can be very large! And the number is most sensitive to sigma chi p when DM mass is around 10 GeV.

11 Outline Introduction DM accumulation in the Sun
Additional Neutrinos from DM Annihilation Conclusion

12 Additional neutrinos from
DM Annihilation Annihilation rates: Now… we can derive the annihilation rates, The rates is highest when m chi is around 10 GeV. We should also notice the rates are almost independent from sigma chi chi over m chi when m chi is around 5 GeV.

13 Additional neutrinos from DM Annihilation
Constraints: Super-K IceCube Hyper-K PINGU We use the current SuperK, IceCube data, and the future Hyper and PINGU sensitivity to constrain the fractional asymmetry and the sigma chi chi over m chi. The lines mean the constraint with sigma chi p equal to the current upper bound by direct detection, and we use a band to show how the variation of the sigma chi p affects the constraint. We can see the constraint is strongest in low mass region, but it is also very sensitive to the value of sigma chi p. And the constraint is stable in high mass region.

14 Conclusion We calculated the total accumulated number and the annihilation rates of self-interacting ADM. We used the Super-K, IceCube data, the future Hyper-K and PINGU sensitivity to constrain and The constraints are more stable in high mass region, and also indicate a very small if we want to use DM self-interaction to explain the core/cusp problem. So here is my conclusion. We calculate the total number and the distribution of ADM in the Sun. We calculate the solar electron neutrino survival probability affected by DM induced MSW effect. And we obtain the constraint with Gx and mx by evaluating the chi-square difference. The constraint is quite strong and can be compared to that of cosmic observations.

15 Thank You!!! So here is my conclusion. We calculate the total number and the distribution of ADM in the Sun. We calculate the solar electron neutrino survival probability affected by DM induced MSW effect. And we obtain the constraint with Gx and mx by evaluating the chi-square difference. The constraint is quite strong and can be compared to that of cosmic observations.

16 So here is my conclusion
So here is my conclusion. We calculate the total number and the distribution of ADM in the Sun. We calculate the solar electron neutrino survival probability affected by DM induced MSW effect. And we obtain the constraint with Gx and mx by evaluating the chi-square difference. The constraint is quite strong and can be compared to that of cosmic observations. Happy New Year !!!!!!

17 Back up Constraints from DM induced Sun Collapse:
We use the current SuperK, IceCube data, and the future Hyper and PINGU sensitivity to constrain the fractional asymmetry and the sigma chi chi over m chi. The lines mean the constraint with sigma chi p equal to the current upper bound by direct detection, and we use a band to show how the variation of the sigma chi p affects the constraint. We can see the constraint is strongest in low mass region, but it is also very sensitive to the value of sigma chi p. And the constraint is stable in high mass region.

18 Back up Annihilation Rates: Annihilation Rates with sigma_{chi p}
Annihilation Rates without sigma_{chi p} We use the current SuperK, IceCube data, and the future Hyper and PINGU sensitivity to constrain the fractional asymmetry and the sigma chi chi over m chi. The lines mean the constraint with sigma chi p equal to the current upper bound by direct detection, and we use a band to show how the variation of the sigma chi p affects the constraint. We can see the constraint is strongest in low mass region, but it is also very sensitive to the value of sigma chi p. And the constraint is stable in high mass region.

19 Back up Simulation from WimpSim 3.01:
We use the current SuperK, IceCube data, and the future Hyper and PINGU sensitivity to constrain the fractional asymmetry and the sigma chi chi over m chi. The lines mean the constraint with sigma chi p equal to the current upper bound by direct detection, and we use a band to show how the variation of the sigma chi p affects the constraint. We can see the constraint is strongest in low mass region, but it is also very sensitive to the value of sigma chi p. And the constraint is stable in high mass region.

20 Back up We use the current SuperK, IceCube data, and the future Hyper and PINGU sensitivity to constrain the fractional asymmetry and the sigma chi chi over m chi. The lines mean the constraint with sigma chi p equal to the current upper bound by direct detection, and we use a band to show how the variation of the sigma chi p affects the constraint. We can see the constraint is strongest in low mass region, but it is also very sensitive to the value of sigma chi p. And the constraint is stable in high mass region.

21 Back up We use the current SuperK, IceCube data, and the future Hyper and PINGU sensitivity to constrain the fractional asymmetry and the sigma chi chi over m chi. The lines mean the constraint with sigma chi p equal to the current upper bound by direct detection, and we use a band to show how the variation of the sigma chi p affects the constraint. We can see the constraint is strongest in low mass region, but it is also very sensitive to the value of sigma chi p. And the constraint is stable in high mass region.

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