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Spring Tone Words 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Tone Words 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Tone Words 2017

2 Brash- hasty/unthinking

3 Candid- completely honest, straightforward

4 Caustic- severely critical #Burn

5 Choleric- easily angered

6 Coarse- rough, crude

7 Condemnatory- expressing strong disapproval

8 Condescending- treating people as weak or inferior

9 Detached- impartial, disinterested, unconcerned

10 Discordant- being in disagreement

11 Droll- amusing in an odd way

12 Effusive- emotionally excessive; overly demonstrative

13 Erudite- scholarly, possessing deep knowledge

14 Fervent- displaying passionate intensity

15 Forthright- frank, direct

16 Idolatrous- excessively worshipping an object/person

17 Inexorable- unrelenting, unchangeable way

18 Inflammatory- causing excitement or anger; leading to violence

19 Insolent- boldly rude or disrespectful

20 Malicious- intending to harm

21 Morose- having a gloomy manner

22 Obsequious- overly submissive; eager to please

23 Ominous- giving the feeling that something bad will happen, threatening

24 Pedantic- characterized by an excessive display of learning; snobby

25 Pompous- overly self-important in speech and manner

26 Quarrelsome- characterized by fighting; argumentative

27 Reminiscent- reminding of the past

28 Ribald- using obscene or vulgar humor

29 Solemn- serious; characterized by deep sincerity

30 Terse- abrupt, quick and to the point

31 Whimsical- subject to odd ideas, notions, or fancies; playful

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