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Mod 1: rxpp7k Do Now – September 6 Mod 3: ke55u5

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Presentation on theme: "Mod 1: rxpp7k Do Now – September 6 Mod 3: ke55u5"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mod 1: rxpp7k Do Now – September 6 Mod 3: ke55u5 For our SAT Diagnostic essay, Malala was making an argument that education was a necessity for ALL children, rich or poor. Think about the different techniques she used to make her point. What techniques and strategies does a good argument include?

2 Objective Students will analyze rhetorical devices in an argument in order to evaluate how the author uses rhetorical devices to achieve his purpose.

3 “Why Read Shakespeare?”
Read or listen online. Click here first Click here second Click here third Read the essay “Why Read Shakespeare?” on page 203

4 Claim/Thesis What is the author trying to prove? He or she usually states this near the beginning of the essay.

5 Rhetorical Questions These are questions that aren’t supposed to have a specific answer like “What is love?” or “Can’t we all just get along?” and “What is the meaning of life?”

6 Imagery The author creates mental images so that the reader can better understand the essay. He or she might describe a sunset or person’s face or how waves crash against the beach.

7 Diction The words the author chooses to help express his point of view. Some authors might say infuriated. Some might just say mad. One word is more sophisticated; the other word is more direct.

8 Allusion Any time the author makes a reference to another work of literature. The Bible is a popular Allusion, but so is anything by Shakespeare.

9 Ethos The author appeals to the readers ideas about what’s right or wrong in order to convince the reader that the author’s argument is correct.

10 Pathos The author tries to make an argument that will make the reader emotional. This reader’s emotions might make him or her believe the author’s thesis.

11 Logos The author tries to make a logical argument that the reader might believe because it makes sense.

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