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From the eyes of the assurer — April 24, 2018

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1 From the eyes of the assurer — April 24, 2018
The EU Directive (2014/95/EU) on non-financial and diversity information Is a new toothless tiger born? From the eyes of the assurer April 24, 2018

2 Recap Please Note: Document classification is not to be removed.
The organization shall publish a sustainability report with non-financial disclosures: Environmental issues Social and employee related issues Respect for human rights Anti-corruption The company’s business-model, Policies applied by the company on the above stated subject matters including review procedures, Result of the policy, Material risks related to the subject matters and the company’s businesses, Risk management, and Central performance indicators of relevance for the business. The law is applied for the financial year of 2017 which is reported during 2018 Shall be included in the Board of Director’s Report but can also be provided as a stand-alone report with reference The sustainability report shall be published together with the Board of Director’s Report If specific guidelines are used in establishing the sustainability report, this is to be specified Comply or explain-principle The organization’s auditor shall in the form of a written and signed statement declare whether a sustainability report has been published or not The auditor’s statement shall be turned over to the organization’s management at the same time as the auditor’s report for the financial statements and then be added to the sustainability report The establishment and publishing of the sustainability report for an organization falls within the responsiblity of the Board of Directors Please Note: Document classification is not to be removed.

3 Support and guidance

4 What happened One Statutory report and a ”voluntary” report

5 What happened Combined Included in the directors report

6 What happened Two types Just fulfill the law Ambitious

7 Diversity policy

8 Other areas Increased focus from Board of directors as well as CFO:s and finance departement. More/Better descriptions on business model More focus on human rights Still lacking in risk analysis Anti-coruption is the least developed area

9 Is a new toothless tiger born?
NO! But is it worth the effort?

10 Thank you Torbjörn Westman Head of Assurance Services
Tel direct Mobile KPMG Headoffice Visiting address: Vasagatan 16 Mailing address: P.O.Box 382 SE STOCKHOLM, Sweden

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