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Reregulation: A Second Bite at the Apple

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1 Reregulation: A Second Bite at the Apple
Dave Rinebolt, Executive Director and Counsel Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy PO Box 1793, Findlay, OH 419/ * 419/ – FAX *

2 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy
Meet the Players Governor & Legislature Utilities Industrials Farm Organizations Ohio Consumer’s Counsel Environmental Organizations Labor OPAE Marketers 11-07 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy

3 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy
Where We Were Rates below the national average. 80% coal/20% nuclear. Nuclear plant cost overruns. Decent low income programs. Few efficiency programs. Almost no renewables or PURPA contracts. 11-07 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy

4 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy
Where We Are Five years of capped rates. Rate Stabilization Plans – 20-35% increases. Non-bypassable riders. Few competitive options. Two RTOs. Overwhelming market power. ‘Fall off the cliff’ at the end of 2008. 11-07 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy

5 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy
Where We Are Going Hybrid Regulation. Electric Security Plans. Market Option. Establishing the Baseline. Efficiency Standard. Advanced Energy Standard. RTOs. Least Cost Planning. Construction Work in Progress (CWIP). Single Issue Ratemaking. 11-07 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy

6 Implementing the Legislation
What is a competitive market? Adjustments to baseline. What is least cost planning? Cost shifting among customer classes. Establishing the baseline for rates. Renewables and energy efficiency. Risks and rewards. 11-07 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy

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