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PowerPoint Game By Heather England Stephanie Miller

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1 PowerPoint Game By Heather England Stephanie Miller
Vamos a Mexico Story Game Directions Game Preparation Game Pieces Play the game Objectives PowerPoint Game By Heather England Stephanie Miller Credits Copyright Notice

2 The Story of the “Vamos a Mexico”
Hola! Welcome to Mexico! You and your friend are both about to travel to many different countries throughout Mexico with 100 pesos each to begin with. Follow the path that matches the color of your donkey to each country. Make sure that you stop at each circle along the path and answer a question. If you get the question correct you can continue your travels. If the questions is answered incorrectly you must pay 10 pesos to a toll booth so you may continue. When you make it to your final destination the player with the largest amount of pesos left will be the winner! Watch out for the Mexican police!!! You would not want to pay for a speeding ticket! Home Page

3 Game Directions The goal of the game is to make it all the way through Mexico by answering the most questions correctly. To play the game you have to answer each question correctly in order to move to the next destination. To win the game you have to have the largest amount of pesos at the end of your trip. Return

4 Game Preparation Game Board (it is hyperlinked, print out)
Game Pieces: Print out slide number 5 to use as game pieces for each player. Home Page

5 Game Pieces Return

6 Credits All teachers and students at non-profit schools can use, revise, or adapt this game at will at no cost on the condition that all prior designers are cited. Originally designed by Heather England and Stephanie Miller, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, October 12, “Vamos a Mexico”. Home Page

7 Educational Objectives
Audience This game is made for students that are in the 5th grade, studying Spanish as a second language. Subject Area Objectives Competency Goal 4.02 Recognize and use learned verbal greetings and idiomatic expressions of the target cultures. Competency Goal 4.04 Participate in activities and celebrations reflective of the customs and traditions of the target cultures. Competency Goal 4.06 Demonstrate an awareness of the different target countries by locating them on a map or globe and identifying their major geographical features. Home Page

8 Copyright Copyright 2007 Heather England and Stephanie Miller
Permission to copy this game at no cost is granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools. Permission is also granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools to make revisions to this game for their own purposes, on the condition that this copyright page and the credits page remain part of the game. Teachers and students who adapt the game should add their names and affiliations to the credits page without deleting any names already there. Home Page

9 Vamos a Mexico Game Board
Home Page Game Directions

10 Quiz Questions Give directions here. Mexican Holidays: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Facts About Mexico: 7 8 9 10 11 12 Speaking Spanish: 14 15 16 17 18 Home Page

11 That’s Correct! Click here to continue.

12 Sorry, that’s not correct!
Click here to continue.

13 1. What are holidays called in Mexico?
Festivals or fiestas Parties or parades Parties or fiestas Festivals or parades Home Page

14 2. Which holiday in Mexico is referred to as Christmas in the U.S.?
Kwanza Navidad Christmas Hanukkah Home Page

15 3. Cinco de Mayo occur on ______?
January 17th May 5th June 10th December 5th Home Page

16 4. Piñatas are used during Mexican celebrations.
True False Home Page

17 5. This holiday in Mexico, is celebrated at the same time as Halloween.
Cinco de Mayo Mexican Independence Day Day of the Dead Father’s Day Home Page

18 6. What are the skeleton figures that show an active and joyful after life during the Day of the Dead called? Chica Compadre Amigo Calacas Home Page

19 7. Which flag belongs represents Mexico?
Home Page

20 8. What is the capital of Mexico?
Guatemala Mexico City El Salvador Puerto Rico Home Page

21 9. The National sport of Mexico is futbol
9. The National sport of Mexico is futbol. This is the same as what American sport? Rugby Football Baseball Soccer Home Page

22 11. The natives of Mexico are called?
North Carolinians Spaniard Mexicans Puerto Rican Home Page

23 12. Both the U.S. and Mexico have presidents, the president of Mexico is?
Felipe Calderon George Bush, Sr. Tony Blair Fidel Castro Home Page

24 14. To greet a friend, you might say ___.
¡Gracias amigo! ¡Adios amiga! Me llamo es ¡Hola, amigo! ¿Como estas? Home Page

25 15. Translate: Where is the bathroom?
¿Dónde está el cuarto de baño? ¿Dónde está el gato? ¿Cómo es el cuarto de baño? ¿Cómo es el perro? Home Page

26 16. Which answer is in correct order? (morning, afternoon, and night)
buenas noches, buenos días, buenas tardes buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches buenas tardes, buenos días, buenas noches Home Page

27 17. All of the following are ways to say goodbye in Spanish except:
¡Adiós! Hasta luego ¡Buenos días! Hasta mañana Home Page

28 GOT YA!! Your donkey was going five miles over the speed limit! You must pay a fine of 5 pesos! Click here to continue.

29 SLOW DOWN!!! Your donkey was caught doing 10 miles over the speed limit! Your ticket is for 10 pesos! Click here to continue.

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