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Life Law #2 You Create Your Own Experience

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Presentation on theme: "Life Law #2 You Create Your Own Experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Law #2 You Create Your Own Experience
Source: Life Strategies for Teens by Jay McGraw

2 “This life is worth living, we can say, since it is what we make it.”
-William James

3 Quick - Write In your notes, list 10 things in your life that you have control of. I Have Control of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

4 Quick - Write Draw a T-Chart in your notes like the sample below. List 5 things in your life that you have no control of. Then list whether you have a positive or negative attitude about each. Things I Cannot Control My Attitude Living with a step-parent Positive Being the youngest child Negative My parent’s income Positive My ethnicity Positive

5 Quick - Write Circle any negative attitudes you wrote in your notes. You can’t change your circumstances, but you can change your attitude. Take 3 minutes to write about how changing your attitude in the areas you circled might be beneficial. Things I Cannot Control My Attitude Living with a step-parent Positive Being the youngest child Negative My parent’s income Positive My ethnicity Positive

6 Nick Vujicic on Creating His Own Experience
Running Time: 4 minutes 33 seconds

7 Helen Keller on Creating Her Own Experience
Running Time: 7 minutes 11 seconds

8 Quick - Write In your notes, take 5 minutes to write about 5 lessons you can learn from Nick and Helen about creating your own experience.

9 Putting Life Law #2 Into Action
We may not choose the circumstances, but we can choose our attitude You, and you alone, are responsible for the experiences you have in life.

10 Activity Cards With a small group, take a few minutes to discuss the content on the 8 activity cards.

11 Silent Reading Read about creating your own experience on pages in the book entitled Life Strategies for Teens by Jay McGraw. Add to your Cornell notes any tips that are meaningful from the reading.

12 On Your Own

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